AR on Pug

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Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: pug

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84503031

Why Should This Player Be Punished: i feel like the player broke 3.4 and 2.5, i was crowbaring a random car outside projex which wasn't owned by pug as shortly after pug heard the crowbar he decided to go outside and see who's crowbaring by the time he was outside i was already standing next to my car not showing any threat or any sign that it was me who crowbared the car he just assumed it was me who did it without any proof he saw me away from the car i crowbared and he didn't even know what car i crowbared he just decided to shoot me down without any evidence and because he heard a "massive noise" according to what he's saying, this lead to a massive shootout with the police and got his friends and his apartment raided.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: na
I was chilling in Projex 1 as we had just attempted to raid p4 but cops came. Cops left and I suddenly hear crowbarring coming from outside. I then run outside and see you chilling behind my vehicle. What would you think in this situation? I clearly thought you attempted to lockpick my car...

Anyway with this, the Maserati is my org members @Piz

Also why you claiming that my apartment got raided? That never happened at all. Projex 4 was raided by police, not mine buddy. I told the officers what happend and provided them with your crowbar and your gun.
yeah but how did you know i crowbared it even doe it's your friend's car you just assumed it was me even doe you never saw me doing it i was right next to my car you just came pulled out your rifle and shot me even doe you never saw anything nor have evidence you just heard a noise and went outside to check and shot me dead because you "thought" i crowbared your car, oocly it looks fine because you can see i did crowbar the car which you never knew IC you just killed me because you assumed i crowbared a car out of the 6 cars parked there that's some of them not even owned by the people you know
bruh you were so clearly baiting him either way so it doesn't matter, you were so ready to fuck him in the ass with your shotgun, who else was in the area that could've crowbarred the car, you were so damn suspicious man
how the fuck i was baiting him i wasn't even crowbaring his car bruh bruh, so basically from what you're saying bruv bruh that he shot me because i'm ""so damn suspicious "" right? and why he assumed it was me bruh he never seen a thing he just came outside to kill any nijja on sight that's basically what he did, there can be a lot of people around the corner people who went up the gas station someone else in the other cars he just assumed i crowbared his car or his friend car and shot me bruh
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