AR on some bloke with a white ford transit

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Zagreb, Croatia
Your Steam/In-game Name: Generic Twat / James Simeon
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: SLM | Ezza | TX USER / Declan Whitehead
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:165899023
Why Should This Player Be Punished
: Whilst the whole police force was chasing down a 'Rogue Medic', he decided it would be a great idea to run the medic over while told to stop and leave the scene multiple times, however the user proceeded to run over an officer and badly injure me. He attempted to run me over for no reason risking his freedom. Ontop of that, while he was caught he decided to plug his internet router off under the excuse that 'his internet is dropping' and ran into a corner just to disconnect. He insulted me in LOOC multiple times
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: tock
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@Ezza I would strongly hope that there's good rationale as to how the medic was 'endangering your buddys life', also as to why you drove off after running over the medic?

@Generic Twat could you provide a video
The medic took my buddy if the road at least 3 times, being a rouge medic and trying to endanger my buddys life in my eyes so i killed him and then i over heard arrest red transit and tryed to kill cops as i was already wanted for jail escape at the time so was my buddy for helping me escape.
@Ezza I would strongly hope that there's good rationale as to how the medic was 'endangering your buddys life', also as to why you drove off after running over the medic?

@Generic Twat could you provide a video
Right, sorry for the late reply. I have managed to find the demo and review it. If the file is corrupted, tell me. I'll upload a new one.!PVNnDR6I!KHIcJkZlWKmQxUKfwd8pw3h1ixMk_Sc0EY0FkQMB73c
Tick one: 63735
Tick two: 65230 (somewhere there) You'll see him running the officer over.
Ezza had no good reason to stay in the area especially before running over the medic. This was an intentional bait and he will receive a ban.

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