AR on TimThriller

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Niko / Kallistrate Chrysos
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [TimThriller^_^] / Emily Miller
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42661901
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 2.7, 3.4 - Initially, I wanted to question the residents of Projex Apartment 3 regarding a recent situation at the bank (Armed individual sighted), but after knocking on the door several times, I received a 911 call that said: "dirty sand nigger outside my door", coming from inside the apartment by a person named Emily Miller. At this point, I had decided to arrest Emily Miller for causing harassment (10.1) and inappropriate use of Emergency Services (10.3), and ordered her to exit the apartment, while informing her that she was under arrest.
The door didn't budge, despite numerous warnings and the door being knocked on repeatedly, so finally, I informed them that I will be forcing entry. After hitting the door quite a few times with the battering ram, and starting to walk inside, unarmed, I was shot and killed.
I believe TimThriller broke rule 2.5 and 3.4 by shooting me dead where I stood because of the very fact that the maximum sentence for breaking law 10.1 and 10.3 is 4 years in jail, and/or a $5000 ticket, and does in no way justify killing a police officer, while also negatively affecting my experience.
Additionally, I believe rule 2.7 was broken, as TimThriller stated, in a steam chat, that he did not hear I was using a battering ram, making him believe it was not a cop outside the door (Despite the two times he was specifically informed it was the PLPD). The rule explicably states "players must be able to hear in-game sounds", but indicated by the fact that he could not hear my battering ram as he was, and I quote, "watching a movie", he did not follow said rule.

And while this isn't against the rules, it's clear that the user saw nothing wrong in what he did. He saw no reason to apologize, even as I pointed out what he had done wrong over steam chat, and even decided to give a sarcastic comeback, rather than take the situation seriously.

Another addition: While in the process of writing this AR, and talking with @ALOO89 to get the user's steam ID, the user contacted me, then proceeded to threaten and/or 'blackmail' me, implying if I were to post this AR, they'd post some petty revenge AR/IA from a situation several weeks ago. This once again shows that the user is not at all sorry for what they did.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Demo -!dFA1kIRR!56-ded8BkDEBsuOJMjs57mI9FiikQMWjUq2ycotguRI


6500 - Received message that an armed individual was spotted at the bank.
7100 - Spot a Tesla leaving the City Sector
8200 - Leave the bank after finding nothing, proceed to search for the Tesla to question the driver and passenger.
10000 - Spot Tesla at Projex, proceed to park. Before entering, I also check all the warrants, just to make sure there isn't currently a warranted suspect living in the Projex Apartments.
11500 - Knock on the apartment door, while yelling "PLPD, open the door."
13800 - Up to this point, I have knocked quite a few times, and asked them three times to open the door. I then get a 911 call from Emily Miller, and now I know she is in the apartment. Due to the language used in said 911 call, and believing it to be inappropriate use of Emergency Services, as I have already informed them I am from the PLPD, I specifically call for Emily Miller to exit, and mention that I am hereby placing her under arrest. I also tell them that unless they open the door, I will make my way in. (Law 3.8 - Unless they open the door themselves, it is necessary for me to enter their private property to perform my duty and arrest Emily)
15700 - I inform Emily that she has 20 seconds to open the door and exit the apartment.
15800 - 10 second warning
16700 - I inform them that I am coming in. I proceed to use my battering ram to force the door open, though it takes a few tries.
~17000 - I am shot and killed.

Take note that yes, this happened while roughly 4-5 people were on the server at 7-8 in the morning. However, that does not excuse what happened, as I was still trying to roleplay properly, and my experience was inevitably ruined by this user's actions.
so me and @ALOO89 robbed the bank earlier today so we should be wanted i mean whats his reason to be outside our door and battering ram
Not only were there no warrants on you, but I very clearly informed you as to why I was forcing entry, by saying you're being placed under arrest and that I'd make my way inside if you didn't exit. Additionally, you'd know exactly why I was at your door if you had properly read the AR.
At no point did I say anything about a bank robbery or a warrant, so you would have no reason to believe that's why I was there. "We should be wanted" isn't a proper excuse, because you weren't wanted.
You also very explicably said "didn't even know it was a cop outside", so there's no way you can claim you shot and killed me because you thought I was arresting you for that bank robbery. Or perhaps you lied when you said you didn't know it was a cop outside your door?
Not only were there no warrants on you, but I very clearly informed you as to why I was forcing entry, by saying you're being placed under arrest and that I'd make my way inside if you didn't exit. Additionally, you'd know exactly why I was at your door if you had properly read the AR.
At no point did I say anything about a bank robbery or a warrant, so you would have no reason to believe that's why I was there. "We should be wanted" isn't a proper excuse, because you weren't wanted.
You also very explicably said "didn't even know it was a cop outside", so there's no way you can claim you shot and killed me because you thought I was arresting you for that bank robbery. Or perhaps you lied when you said you didn't know it was a cop outside your door?
yes we rob the bank and we was should be wanted for robing bank - thear wasnt any cop on dute and he didnt kill us how we are not warnt ?
If there were no cops on duty, I am certain it wouldn't be possible for you to rob the bank in the first place. Either way, this isn't helping this situation, as Tim decided to change his story. He went from saying "didn't know it was a cop", to claiming he not only knew it was a cop, but that he shot me because he was wanted from that bank robbery.
so me and @ALOO89 robbed the bank earlier today so we should be wanted
yes we rob the bank and we was should be wanted for robing bank
@ayjay ツ had been on the server for a while, presumably afk (?), but seemed to become active again, so I decided to ask him about this. He did confirm that you had indeed robbed the bank, then proceeded to mention you had died a while later. Ayjay initially believed that the warrant wouldn't have been removed due to this, however;


This confirms that you were not warranted at the time of this situation, as you had died 4-5 hours prior, and your warrant was removed. Your argument of "we should be wanted" is false.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, so could you read my post again?
Addition: It seems that the user is getting infuriated with the fact that I have posted this AR on him, as indicated by the fact that when he rejoined the server a few minutes ago, the first and only interaction he had was to call me, and I quote, "nigger cop". Of course this was in-character, though the user still decided to blatantly break the law. I suspect the user also targeted me for OOC reasons, and that this wasn't just an IC decision.
Additionally, the user decided to be disrespectful in OOC, continuing to show their terrible behaviour.



I am not trying to claim that this, on its own, is worthy of punishment, but I do believe it greatly shows just how little the user cares, and how terrible their behaviour truly is.

EDIT: User was quick to reply the moment he saw this post as well.
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What, you just wanted to share the part of our chat where I pointed out how dumb your sarcastic response was? It was a rhetorical question.
@TimThriller you had died after the bank robbery so you couldn't have been wanted. You made an inappropriate 911 call and then failed to comply with the officer trying to handle the situation. You should have been compliant with the officer as you brought the situation on yourself and then risked a murder charge over very little. Disrespecting a community member because of their IC actions is not tolerated either!

The user will receive a 1-week ban for 1.1, 2.5 and 3.4
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