AR on Toby Richards

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: [DPA] Samsterminator / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Tobiasmr12 / Toby Richards
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:83717451
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 Excessive Negativity. The player walked up to me while I was tied and told me to "Drop all my shit". Without giving me a good enough chance to either drop something or do a /desc describing how I was tied he shot me in the head. Also this is a possible break of 3.21 as there is a NPC in clear view of this event and as far as I know it was not dealt with

I have had issues with Toby Richards previously, but as these situations have resulted in me being killed by him, it would be breaking NLR for him to kill me in RP because of these issues. The only time I have met him today was either when I was a cop, which I have been made known that he isn't allowed to mix cop and criminal life together (even though last time I met him as a cop he was involved in killing me, or one time when he wan past me and said cunt, then left the area, not to be seen again until the raid where this situation took place.
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