ar on unknown but i would believe 1 of them was Jammi

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name:alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: jami or something not sure if his props though
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53115398
Why Should This Player Be Punished: we went for a parker raid , we died but then i wanted to check demo , on my demo it showed that every door was blocked but 1 , and that the 1 door which was left accesible had a prop placed on a way that it would direct our movements . Not sure if what u see on demo is allowed or not i just wait for admin to respond , just use drive mode to check out their base .In case i was
Evidence (Demo Required):!B51QgK5K!20MwuGIFy1kHbB-Gn8btkrGNGNd5ahlO8ypS5fxpKE8

tick 11k to check out their base
We talked about this in OOC @Shay had looked at the defences and said they were fine
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the base was fine we had 2 entrances, the metal front door, and the big garage door.
Saw the defence, it wasn't that bad, you would have a higher chance of winning if you opened the garage door too.
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