ArmA 3 or PUK's Battlegrounds?

What game should I buy?

  • ArmA

    Votes: 17 37.8%
  • Battlegrounds

    Votes: 28 62.2%

  • Total voters
Reaction score
Both games look nice and are similar in style and price.
I need you to recommend me what's better.
I can only buy 1, and if i buy ArmA i'll have no money left on DLCs
arma gets boring after a while even tho its good game its shit optimized and the roleplay sucks there but survival is dope
Please don't say "This is shit buy this", I'd like arguments so that i could compare them mydelf too
[DOUBLEPOST=1492946801,1492946558][/DOUBLEPOST]Right, sincethe votes are 50-50, and i feel like arma is way too complicated and unoptimised, i'll get battlegrounds

Personally it depends on your enjoy-ability, Arma is usually a mil-sim game-mode that has serious elements however Arma 3 has multiple game-modes such as; Altis Life/Tanoa Life (RP Gamemodes), Co-Op missions, Operations and mission lead games, If you find fun in playing seriously with people then Arma III is for you as it also has lots of mod support.

On the other hand, if you are looking to get PUBG, the gamemode is one element, basically The Hunger Games with added elements of restricted play areas that shrink and a lack of tracker bees... I would say PUBG is more if you just enjoy playing with friends and not having a serious outcome (unless your going to be super competitive to get to first on the leaderboard)

For me I play Arma III but I do not own PUBG however I do watch people play it, it is a good game in my eyes and I would give PUBG a try, jsut personally for me I find it is still in its early access stage and has lots of improvements to come (I am not saying arma is not full of bugs added features) however I personally say you can do more on Arma than with PUBG at this stage.
It depends on what you're into, if you want a huge map in which you can Role-play, play games such as King Of The Hill or you just generally are wanting to play on with your friends, fly planes and mess about with a huge selection of mods, buy Arma 3. If you want to be playing a game, where the main objective is to survive till the end, gathering weapons and progressing through the game, buy PUK's. Honestly, I prefer to play on Arma 3 as I enjoy role-playing, and on the odd occasion, playing with a few friends doing COOP missions and having a laugh. However, it is all dependent on the sort of game you're looking to play.
I personally like PBUG more , its not optimized yet but even on the lowest settings its till fun , arma 3 dosent worth it without dlcs and the roleply is not that good but other mods like exile and stuff are fun but over all id go with pbug.

(Also buy what ur friends have it will be way more fun)
Arma 3 is more realistic and if you get bored theres a fuck ton of cool mods on the workshop you can download that gives you lots more things to play with. Battlegrounds from what I have watched and played at my mates house is mainly just a game where you grab not soo hard to get loot and run in one direction and shoot anyone you see and try not to get shot by doing it. Conclusion, Arma 3 is an accurate military game/simulator set around 5-10 years in the future (my opinion) where as Battlegrounds is a game where you grab not soo hard to get loot and run to one point in the map and be the last one alive. My personal opinion is that Arma 3 is the best. I guarantee unless you have lots of friends to play with you will get bored of Battlegrounds faster then what you would if you played Arma 3.
Arma 3 , personally, was one of my least favourite games that I bought, and this was only because of the lack of patience I have with it. I feel the role play servers for it are slow (role play wise, not performance), and it's really fiddly and difficult to get used to it all. However the military gameplay on it is very detailed and seems very fun if that's what you want. I haven't played Player Unknowns battlegrounds but I feel like if I were to choose now, I would buy it rather than Arma, but that's simply personal preference
PUBG is a great game if you just love a fast paced and just full on aids game, Arma 3 is a great game if you want longer battles that are more realistic.

Depends what you want really.
Arma has everything PUK has but more it has plenty to offer. And it doesn't get boring. Deffenitley worth the money and the DLC isn't needed to enjoy the experience but deffinetly enchances it.
Arma 3 is good a game. I had thousands hours of fun over there. Mostly, Arma 3 can be taken as fun, non serious, non-tactizied game. On the other side, if you wanna play it serious, then get good modpack, join some clan that takes it serious, and you can learn a lot of stuff. You can have BatlleRoyale over there aswell ( not so good ).

Players unknown battleground looks like a good game, i never played and I dont wanna try it.

Personally I would buy Arma 3 if I could choose again.