What to do on ARMA 3?

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I bought ARMA 3 close to four years ago, it's sat collecting dust in my steam libary. I have not the slightest clue of what to do on the game.

Can anybody recommend any gamemodes that are simple, easy to learn & built for new players?
I don't even know if they're called gamemodes on ARMA 3...
I have the exact same problem. I used to play it with a old friend of mine a role-play server it was great fun tbh. Forgot how to even play but I will look at some videos and maybe we could play together? Uninstalled it on my old PC because I couldn't run it properly with good frames. Might as well download it now :)
I like to play King of the hill on Arma 3, I play it sometimes with @Walker. It is very easy to understand and get used to , I recommend playing the infantry only mode at first.

Simple explanation: The players are split up in 3 teams (Bluefor, Opfor, Independent) and have the task to take the Hill (Random City) over for their team. The team with the most players in the objective get points (Points are given every 40 seconds or so) the team that reaches 100 points first wins.

The game mode has a leveling / money system, you level up unlocking new outfits, new weapons and new vehicles and with the money you can permanently buy weapons or buy them once which is cheaper.
Just play Arma Life, its fucking great. The best is this: roleplay.co.uk
My experience with arma life is grinding for fuckall money, then loosing it to some prick who is lagging himself into my car. is roleplay.co.uk unique ? and is the application process not as difficult as applying for a CEO position in real life?
I have been playing a lot of King of the hill, because it's quite simple, fun and with few consequences of dying. Also, the markers help me distinguish between allies and enemies, which is nice.

I will try some other servers when I get to know the game a little more, I have only just figured out how to type and use channels.
Go play invade and annex or similiarly named. I mostly do zeus missions with friends. If I get 6+ people together I can do it for perpheads.
  • Play an Altis Life Server
  • Take 10 seconds to kill someone
  • For said 10 second kill spend 4 hours arguing about it on TS3
Step 1. Join a shit altis life server that gives you $10,000,000 as start-up funds.
Step 2. Go to a rebel base and gear yourself up with your money.
Step 3. Plant a billion satchel charges in the main player hub and shoot everyone.
Step 4. When the cop normies respond, detonate said charges and eat their ass out with an HMG.
Step 5. Upon death, repeat untill your have no money left
Its a great way to get target practice and no admins will give a shit tbf.

Optional: Buy a fucking wipeout
CTI is pretty fun, you can choose your own loadout(arsenal) and then work together with your teammates to capture cities, rescue hostages ect. All the enemies are AI.
My experience with arma life is grinding for fuckall money, then loosing it to some prick who is lagging himself into my car. is roleplay.co.uk unique ? and is the application process not as difficult as applying for a CEO position in real life?

You have 70 hours in the game you don't know shit xd

simple, easy to learn & built for new players?

If you're really interested in getting to know arma better KOTH is pretty much the best place to start. Just make sure you're on infrantry only, because otherwise you'll be bamboozled till infinity by try hard wipeout players. It'll teach you the basics of pretty much every aspect in the game in a really forgiving manner, aka you don't lose hours/days worth of investment, you'll just click respawn, whilst still teaching you core aspects of the game. Just watch a beginners video of it and you'll understand everything the gamemode has to offer (perks, vehicles, money, weaponry, etc), from there on it's up to you. Even if you're playing alone it still can be great fun, you'll just have to be more careful as you don't have a squad close by that can revive you.

Just don't be scared off by the fact that you're shooting someone 6 times and still haven't killed him. It's because you're shooting 5.56. Whilst in some scenario's it can be good(?), in KOTH, with an infinite armory, there is simply no point in using this type of round. Try to invest in a bigger round as soon as you can.

This was my best quick description of KOTH if you have any questions just message me.
am I the only one who plays singleplayer arma 3 cus multiplayer is total rubbish