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Hello. For you who don't know im Ralph Clifford. I've been playing on the server for a few months now. Or I started to play in 2013 but I never really joined the community then. I just played on the server, made a shity staff application and so on. You know, just like a squeaky sweaters do.

Anyways, I got told by my parents a few days ago that we are going to move. And I was pretty happy becaseu the house were we live in now is shit (raining through the roof and right on my face in the bed).
But we are not just moving to another house like people do. We are apparently moving out to the forest. A big house in the middle of nowhere. We have been at the house for a visit so I could see how it looks like. It's really nice and so on. But, as I said it is in the middle of the forest, so it takes 40mins to go out and throw the garbage / get the mail.

And then to the problem, no internet.. It is internet there, but barerly not. So I will not be able to play at all. We are not sure yet if it is possible to maybe get better internet connection. So I might be able to still play. But probably not.

I will move the 1st March, so it's not yet. I will play as I normally do until then. So im not resigning from the PD and so on.

But yeah, it really sucks. Wish me the best of luck.
I think I wood cry if I didn't have any internet.

It's a real shame you have to leaf.

Hope to tree you again soon!
Had the opportunity to rp with you and you are a great guy, sad to see you leave but if it is for the better I wish you luck irl ;)
Fucking swedes cant even afford proper housing top kek.
No wonder they're turning into a 3rd world shithole
Good luck moving

At least they don't have gay ass accents l0l
"rød grød med fløde" can't even pronounce that shit correctly
I'm honestly really sad to see this. I'll be sure to enjoy the last month of working with you, hopefully you'll be back :(
Damn that house sounds creepy.

Anyway, so sad to see you leaving :(
Good luck over there.
Hello, not really seen you around much, probably cause i'm an unsocial cunt. But you should look into getting a Satellite internet connection. Its quite expensive but allows remote locations to have a decent connection. Anyway, good luck in the move, enjoy!
you swedish need the power of eurodocsis, glorious gigabit over 1960 tv lines.
Shoulda done what all the cool kids do and pretended to be terminally ill
if you get a mobile data signal where you are then you can opt into buying a data hub a lot of phone companies might do an unlimited package
Shame to see you leave, had some good times together. Hopefully you will come back soon.
Good luck buddy!
Update: I've talked to my mom now and she found out that we do have internet. But. We don't know how fast it is and it is limited. So everyone in the family have to share the internet equaly. Still don't know how much so that is up to see.

I really want to thank everyone for the nice comments. Some people messaged me on steam and told me that they really did not want me to leave. This shows how good friends I have :)

Thanks once again.
[DOUBLEPOST=1516818623,1516026465][/DOUBLEPOST]Final Update. Im glad to say that we will have internet, and it will be unlimited (hahah rip everyone who wanted my money and car). So im on leaving. Just one downside, I don't think it will be so fast, but I know so many people playing with slow internet here so that's fine. So yeah, weeeeeeeeey.

Once again, thank you everyone who wrote all the nice comments to me :)