Automatic Unban [appeals]

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Deleted member 4084

Discussion Post:
Main Idea: Automatically unban a person, if they submit an appeal after two weeks from posting date.

Full description of the idea:
During the history of appeals, there are many appeals which have been posted weeks ago and yet there is no response. My suggestion is to implement a policy which states;
  • If an appeal has been posted and not replied to for two weeks (from posting date) then the banned user in which the appeal is regarding should be unbanned by a member of staff, regardless of the offence (with the exception of Community-Wide bans).
  • If there is an open staff complaint which refers to the ban then there shall be no action taken until the complaint has been concluded and a verdict has been issued.
  • If a member of staff is inactive during the posting of the appeal, there can be an extension of up to one week (so not to prolong the appeal more than necessary); if necessary, another, two staff members should try to gain an understanding of the case to make an informed decision of what action to take (should the staff member be on a prolonged inactivity notice).
  • If there are multiple appeals posted by one individual for the same ban, the decision must be made within two weeks from the earliest (most recent) appeal to prevent spam of posting appeals.
This policy will permit members who submit appeals to have themselves heard and have their situation dealt with.
Feel free to suggest more pointers within such policy.
If it is possible, this would be quite nice if it was automatic, however, I'm really not sure how that'd work and not thought it through.

Why should it be added?: Currently, there are many issues surrounding unban appeals, many threads can go weeks without being answered; with there being no form of disclosed timeline for an appeal to be dealt with in the proper manner, I believe that the community would be best suited by having an accompanying policy to support them (so staff members will be unable to prolong a ban appeal).

Whilst yes, some staff members are quite actively dealing with appeals, there are cases where they are not answered to. This policy will simply aim to support members who have been banned by ensuring them that somebody is dealing with their case and it is being looked into rather than waiting for a staff member who can be bothered to deal with it, Two weeks is a very generous amount of time to deal with an appeal, and with the additional week in the policy which is stated above there is no excuse for a decision not to be made.

Improves staff performance and productivity
Improves accountability
Allows appealers to have their appeals reviewed within a timely manner

Cons: I personally do not see any from this, however, there may be some and in that case feel free to suggest issues with this policy. This policy will aim to increase the productivity of staff and accountability; I do believe I have removed the cons within the policy, however, do keep in mind that rather than disagreeing with the post, give me something to revise/change to remove the said issue.
Youseff was a good staff member, dedicated a lot of time reports and was 100x a better community member than you'll ever be.
No I'd rather it be a case by case basis and would rather not have shit cheaters, ban evaders or child pornography distributors like Billy Lewis Poo Finger unbanned
if a community-wide ban isn't already in place for pervs or paedos' then please tell me what this community is
Two weeks is plenty of time to legit copy n paste the PH denied shit
like if you can't do that tf is you doing as a staff
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