[Awaiting Decision] [SUGGESTION] 2.8 discussion

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Sheffield, United Kingdom
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add:

2.8 Sex Role-Play

In order to help preserve gameplay, sexual acts may not be role-played or displayed in a public setting.

Your version of the rule:

2.8 Sex Role-Play

In order to help preserve gameplay, sexual acts may not be role-played or displayed in a public setting. Additionaly, players may not force other players into sexual roleplay via gunpoint or any other use of weapon.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

Because no one wants to have to be forced to ERP where they're not allowed to resist due to 3.4. ERP, as I think alot can agree, is dumb and quite disgusting to roleplay. So when you're forced into a situation where you MUST ERP, it's kind of uncomfortable and not very fun to just go along with it.
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I'd also like to add that it would be good if under any circumstances players are not allowed to show sex role play etc without agreement of both parties, I was once trapped in a room with a tv showing nudes on it while my parent was in the room. Wasn't funny
I disagree, while it is disgusting; murder is also a unsettling and touchy subject. -Support

Another thing, the law against commiting sexual offenses will be useless. So gg I guess.
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No. Some players are absolute sex maniacs and would like to force people to be part of their Rape RP.
Also, although it's a disgusting thing to do, realistically you could kidnap someone and force them to blow you or something under gunpoint.
I do know that it IS disgusting, although it won't really stop people from joining and playing if we DO have it, and it would only affect the RP of the people who are either raped, cause the rape, or are friends of the rapist.
ALSO, this would stop people from doing RapeRP, and then there would be no point of having a law against rape, as the police would have nothing to respond to if somebody's getting raped.
So -Support
BASICALLY- It's unrealistic if you can't rape, police couldn't catch rapists.
ALSO, can I mention, when I used to RP as a 7-year-old girl named Annie Standish-Gore, Pervo Adherrial raped my character.
To me the whole kidnap & rape thing is a joke i do and i don't actually RP anything out besides "sucks his dick" or some bullshit like this. There isn't actually any erotic roleplay going on, it's just for laughs. I personally haven't seen anyone actually RP out detailed sex scenes since gmod simply isn't the right community for it.

So i -support adding additional rules like this.

Example how it should be done on gmod:
Takes off his pants and sucks him off
Example on how it should not be done on gmod:
I want you to cum for me. I want you to imagine I'm sucking your dick. You can feel my hot breath on your chest as my tongue slides slowly down, my hands on your balls, squeezing gently. Feel my lips wrap around the head of your cock, touching nothing else, just my tongue swirling around slowly. My mouth slides all the way down to the base of your dick. I suck, hard. Just once. But it's enough for you to feel like I'm pulling the cum out of your balls. I start working my lips, pressed tight against your hard cock, up ad down, back and forth. Put your hand in my hair and guide my speed. Force me all the way down, hard. Feel me gag but keep forcing me. My hands are still on your balls, massaging. I slide off your dick and spend some time licking and sucking you balls, not just the skin around your nuts, but your actual balls. I'll take them both into my mouth and you'll be in heaven. When I let your balls fall out of my mouth, you'll whimper, but that will quickly turn into a moan when I take your whole dick in my warm mouth again. I waste no time here, sliding hard and fast. Twist your fingers in my hair. Squeeze my ass and tits. Smack me. Pull my hair. Moan. Say my name. Hold my head steady and give three hard, deep thrusts and empty your balls into my mouth. I'll slide down so my lips are around just the head and I'll suck hard, pulling more cum out than you ever thought possible. At the same time, my hands move to your balls and taint, rubbing hard. You'll keep cumming and orgasming longer and harder than you ever thought possible.
I personally would like to go one step further and see ERP banned all together. It is never used correctly and provided no benefit to anyone. Whilst some claim "oh but murders worse than ERP and you allow that", yes but murder in the game has numerous benefits.

The only thing worse than this is when it's 14/15 year old kids doing it.

As stated the server aims to emulate real life. Yes rape happens but these "big professional" orgs which everyone claims to be, irl do not commit rape or sexual activity with their kidnapped victims.
I personally would like to go one step further and see ERP banned all together. It is never used correctly and provided no benefit to anyone. Whilst some claim "oh but murders worse than ERP and you allow that", yes but murder in the game has numerous benefits.

The only thing worse than this is when it's 14/15 year old kids doing it.

As stated the server aims to emulate real life. Yes rape happens but these "big professional" orgs which everyone claims to be, irl do not commit rape or sexual activity with their kidnapped victims.
(On phone)
So @Thomas DeSimone what benefit does sex RP bring to the server?. None what so ever. You don't understand how gross and disturbing it is for older members of the community ie 18+ to witness kids aged 13 odd typing about wiping their willie on some kidnapped victim
Agree, the erp/rape that is going on in the server is just plain stupid. There's literally no reason behind having it be acceptable other than "it happens in real life." Yeah, it happens in real life but who the fuck wants to type out "/me sucks their cock." or something more? It's dumb. I'd rather get mugged for 50k than have to ERP.
Anyone who would ever try and do ERP are just plain wankers, it's disturbing because most players are less than 18 and may cause problems for members if someone notices it on their monitor. I'll agree with Duffy, ERP should be strictly not allowed.
How about this- Don't just BAN ERP, as @Duffy said, but instead have it so if somebody asks you to stop in /looc, then you have to stop performing ERP and, if you do not, you get punished.
I think ERP should still be part of this server, be part of RP, but should be consentual. Not IC'ly, but OOC'ly.
I personally think ERP is really wierd and hate it but if for some reason someone wants to do it then so be it. On the other hand some people might have a IRL issue relating to it, or just generally find it awkward or don't want to do it. If they state in LOOC or something that they don't want to then why force them.

For the people saying "Rape happens IRL so let it happen here": Mass Shootings happen IRL, People commit suicide IRL, People can decide to run into a building and blow it up IRL however this is a gmod server. Sex RP in public is not allowed. Suicide is not allowed (Rule 3.6). This is all done to preserve roleplay and while I have no problem with this ERP shit some people might and if they don't want to partake then so be it. People come here to have fun its a game after all, they might enjoy roleplay but when they get forced to partake in touchy subjects that they find sensitive then they should be allowed to stop.

Everyone is here to have fun after all.
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Last thing I want to do is to be gunpointed and have some kid who is 6 years younger than me /me rape my ass. Don't disallow it for those who want to do it for whatever reason, but make a rule that you must get OOC consent from the person and that they may revoke consent at any time during the act if they want to, after which the RP must stop.
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Forced ERP makes me ashamed to play this server. Like when I tell my friends I play perpheads it mind as well be just as embarrassing as them finding my porn history because of all the erp. it's just 10x more cringe than looking at someone else's porn history. +Support
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Like some of the other comments say I really don't see why this should be added. Although holding someone under gunpoint and making them do sexual acts is a bit disgusting it happens in real life so I don't see why it should be taken away from the server.
(It is disgusting and I would never do it but some people like to do this type of rp)
+support , I think that gun pointing some one and tell him to suck you d , it makes people feel stupid doing /me shit
and i think sexual rp doesn't even needed in a game with a lot of kids .
Because no one wants to have to be forced to ERP where they're not allowed to resist due to 3.4. ERP, as I think alot can agree, is dumb and quite disgusting to roleplay. So when you're forced into a situation where you MUST ERP, it's kind of uncomfortable and not very fun to just go along with it.
Hmm where have I seen this before... https://perpheads.com/threads/ban-rape-roleplay.19043/ Seems like Deja Vu to me.

If its dumb and disturbing then how come offcers can do cavity searches in holding cells? How come people are allowed to stick their dicks in exaust pipes of cars? And of course, how come noone complains when someone ERPs with a dead body?
With the state of perpheads and its ERP, murdering and yelling 'Nigger' ingame I think we should shut down PH to prevent anyone getting hurt. It doesn't make sense. Gunpoint in a situation is serious. Disobey and you die. In real life this happens aswell. I'm not saying rape is OK 'cause it isn't, it's horrible and disgusting.

The problem with this suggestion is that you want to remove it because its "Disturbing" and "Dumb" even though shootouts with hundreds of bodies occur daly and that isn't anything but "Disturbing" and dumb. People don't really want to rp as a Mass murdered because it just brings hate to them and gets them in bad situations with the other members of the community.

Nothing personal, but -support
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If you're entertained or turned on by textual erotic exchange between virtual characters then here it is:

(the door haha 'lol' haha)
A common argument against this is that there are other 'mature' themes in the game: murder, drugs, crime, etc. . But let's be honest, who would play the game if you couldn't kill, grow or be a criminal? On the flip side, who would play if you couldn't rape?

As gamers we're generally desensitised to the former activities - remember boasting your K-D ratio or casually talking about a GTA heist? Sure. But would you turn around to a friend of yours and say 'I raped someone on PERP today' or 'I have a virtual wife that I screw every night'?

With a playerbase largely consisting of minors, you need to consider that a guardian is superlatively more likely to allow their child to play a game of guns, money and profanities, compared with a game where they may walk in and see highly sexual contexts from people who they don't even know.

Just as the server isn't here for mass shootings or corrupt police, you ideally need to find somewhere else to play your 'rape' fantasies.

There's no logical reason outweighing these arguments, this idea should be implemented.
I have never heard of anything like this happening but I believe this would make most uncomfortable to even consider roleplaying in detail. I believe that this kind of roleplay only attracts trolls and can get out of hand. Plus who wants to do something like that on a game that can have a young player base.

I have been on several clockwork servers and seen enough erp to know that it needs to be regulated correctly for the sake of both participants and their parents.

Or you could always play World of Tanks and listen to the radio operator shout "Penetration" when you put a shell in their tank.
You can just see all the horny fuckers disagreeing. Jokes aside, it's wrong first of all to do that so I don't understand why a conclusion hasn't been made yet
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