Ayjay 2.5

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Dominick
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: AyJay
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62965062
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Breaking 2.5 as he decided to effectively give me a 20 year sentence by holding me for about 10 minutes for no reason and then finally putting me in jail for 10 years. He also was earlier dragging me when I was being cooperative and when I asked him why he was dragging me he said "Because I will do as I please." He also falsely arrested me for 5.1 when in actual fact it was 5.3 as my intention was to assault the man with the baseball bat but I unintentionally ended up murdering him.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
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Just going to throw something in; by the sounds of it, it was very busy. AyJay, being the LT has many tasks to commit to, you in custody is the least of his priority. From listening to him you can hear him commanding other officers, answering 911 calls and dealing with other prisoners. In the video you're only in the interrogation room for around 4 minutes before being taken to the jailing area. In no way does this delay warrant any action being taken. Worst part is you threatening to create the Action Request in LOOC during the sit, what you need to remember is that this is a roleplay server.


being rated dumb


dumb has been removed

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Leeds, England.
You hit someone over the head with a bat, you killed him. If you'd of completley complied then yeah sure, I'd of taken you down and dealt with you right there. I had Ezrider in the holding cell being annoying and not complying, there was a raid in regals at this point, 911 calls were flooding in, around 7 officers were inside the PD not doing their jobs and overall you not initially complying annoyed me. As @Jordan said, it was around 4 minutes you were in the interrogation room awaiting your jail sentencing and within this time I was writing down details about the situation in my phone and dealing with various other tasks.

I feel that cooldowns after you not complying works well, I mean you complied with me after the wait right?

You're the one who hit someone over the head with a baseball bat for whatever reason, you're the reason he died, you're the reason you didn't comply, and you're the reason I made you wait.
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Sounds like a case of you just being a bit upset really, doesn't seem to be anything wrong here from what I can see. Ayjay was clearly busy with other things which take priority over taking you down to a prison cell.


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Leeds, England.
My alerts is spammed with you commenting, you're like my ex.

If you want to calm down and talk it out like a normal human feel free, I feel my intentions were just and let's just leave it to the admin at hand to sort this out.


A police officer may keep you detained for some time - Bear in mind that as a LEO you are very busy with other things especially as a LT. I know for a fact if you were going to be a quick and easy person to sentence @AyJay would of done it on the spot there and then.

Also - if you were waiting there for ages why didn't you ask for an admin to see what was happening?

Plus - 10 minutes is not that much really at the end of the day - Hardly AR worthy imo.
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United Kingdom
A police officer may keep you detained for some time - Bear in mind that as a LEO you are very busy with other things especially as a LT. I know for a fact if you were going to be a quick and easy person to sentence @AyJay would of done it on the spot there and then.

Also - if you were waiting there for ages why didn't you ask for an admin to see what was happening?

Plus - 10 minutes is not that much really at the end of the day - Hardly AR worthy imo.
I did, I made a report but there was no response throughout that entire thing. Also it isn't 10 minuets its those 10 minutes that he kept me there for no reason added on to the 10 year sentence therefore 20 minutes. I can understand the holding me in the interrogation if you want to call that some sort of cool down even though I was cooperating in the first place, however, after that he continued to hold me in the jail cell area as you can see in the video for what is no reason which has still not been justified by anyone. There was clearly no reason to hold me in there for extra time as I was being compliant so it was not another one of these cool downs and I could've easily been put in jail there and then.

He also admits that he is just holding me there to waste my time when we are down in the jail cells not for any sort of "cool down" purpose which seems to be the justification of holding me for these extra 9 or so minutes.
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Deleted member 4141

I don't know if I'm being retarded but 2.5 is Excessive Negativity, he didn't ruin your experience in any shape or form. So i don't understand how he broke 2.5, but okay. This is Ayjay's style of roleplaying as a lieutenant, he will usually leave the suspect/s in the holding cell or interrogation room for them to cool down and have a moment to think about things before returning to them to take further action. Also during the video whilst you're in the interrogation room you can hear shots being fired, this means that obviously something is going on and then those shots are followed by police sirens along with Ayjay telling the force to go to Bazaar and informing them of the shots at the location. This CLEARLY shows that Ayjay was already filled with things he should be attending to and dealing with urgently. Instead he actually decided to come back to the interrogation room to take you to the jails, so really you should've been more than happy about the outcome. He also has the right to drag you if he feels like you will fail to cooperate or if you have done so previously before the demo. You broke 1.8, 2.6 and 5.1 (Laws). The reason you broke 1.8 is because you physically assaulted a man, the reason you broke 2.6 is that you had weapon on you and you did not have a good enough reason which would not break any other law and lastly you broke 5.1, it wasn't 5.3 or at least I don't believe it is as your intention was to harm the man which you killed maybe the death was not planned or intentional but your true intentions were to harm the man you killed there for I believe you did indeed break 5.1 and not 5.3. Also as Tyla has stated, this AR seemed to be more because you were upset + angry of the events and you decided to use these petty reasons against Ayjay. Though I'm pretty stupid so I may just be spewing bullshit. soz. -Support
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United Kingdom
AyJay never actually left the PD to go and deal with these other urgent calls he was getting. There was no reason to keep me in the jail cell area as I was clearly complying therefore no need for any "cool down". He could of just put me in jail to go and deal with these much more urgent issues then are there rather than standing and waiting there for as he described to "waste my time".
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I honestly don't see the problem, AyJay who wat the LT was clearly really busy,
and its understandable when its 70/70 players online.

Come on guys. Choo choo
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At the start of the video i see he had other things to do but waiting down at the jail cells with a timer is just a douche move in my opinion, He shouldn't have done that as he could as just put him jail when right after he got searched. He could have put him in jail and the 2 officers could have went back on patrol or go to another call instead of "Wasting his time" as said by ayjay in the video. I don't think that he done his job correctly, it isn't a police officers job to waste peoples time he doesn't get paid for that. During the video ayjay gets a call and responds by saying "i can't currently come", the reason he couldn't go was because he was wasting a suspects time!!! Now he obviously milked the prolonged detainment rule/law which i think is wrong.
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I don't feel the need to watch the video. Your jail sentence starts when you're put into jail, years aren't passing by with the minutes you are detained prior to that.

- You can be detained, and the universe doesn't revolve around just you during this time. AyJay isn't your masseuse.
- Other things can be dealt with during the detainment, so long as there is sufficient basis to keep you detained for such periods of time.
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Hey mom! I'm famous ! It's me! Jonathan Curtis! Anyway, he did the exact same thing to me but I wasted his time more than he wasted mine seeing as I took a nap when he pulled that. It was funny to me either way seeing as he was working within the rules.


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Have you watched the end of the video? He clearly has no reason to keep me in the jail cell area near the end of the clip just as Chopper has rightfully said he is milking it and there was no reason to keep me there. Perhaps the beginning is possible to justify but the end there was no need for.

You were quite clearly being investigated further; this was necessary as a result of your preceding role-play decisions. Had you chose to behave in a different way during your detainment and prior to it this may not have occurred, but you cannot simply assume that he is 'milking' anything just because you can't be bothered to interact with others on a roleplaying server.

within this time I was writing down details about the situation in my phone
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United Kingdom
You were quite clearly being investigated further; this was necessary as a result of your preceding role-play decisions. Had you chose to behave in a different way during your detainment and prior to it this may not have occurred, but you cannot simply assume that he is 'milking' anything just because you can't be bothered to interact with others on a roleplaying server.
I clearly was not being investigated, actually take the time to watch the video. Specifically the end of it. He just stands there and even dismisses some calls so that he can stand there and waste my time, which there was no reason to do so. No investigating went on, the punishment had already been decided, 10 years. There was no need for further investigation nor was there any further investigation he literally stood there with me simply to waste my time.
The quote you included about the notes was happening whilst I was in the interrogation room and even if that was still continuing whilst I was in the jail cells there was no need for me to be still standing there, the sergeant was just about to put me in before AyJay stopped him just so he could further waste my time just because he wanted to and as he previously said "does what he wants". Also no actual interaction was going on, he just stood there and waited for this timer to finish as he was standing there doing wasting time, time which could have been better spent by both myself and AyJay. He was clearly needed for other situations that may have been going on but he decided to prioritise wasting someone's time over that.


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actually take the time to watch the video.

He just stands there and even dismisses some calls so that he can stand there and waste my time,

writing down details about the situation in my phone and dealing with various other tasks.

There was no need for further investigation nor was there any further investigation he literally stood there with me simply to waste my time.

That's from the view of an uninsightful and action-horny specimen that can't be bothered to look for the intrinsic details and correlations between matters. It's a serious role-play server no matter what goes through your dysfunctional neurones.

Say, for arguments sake, an officer is dead and DNA points to a guy in custody; sure: you can take him to jail for n years and fuck it off, or you could interrogate, consider recent incidents, and record the information for future reference (e.g. flagging up of repeat offenders)
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3.27 Prolonged Detainment - If a player has been illegally detained against their will for more than 10 minutes, they should use the ‘/report’ function to inform an administrator; (Missing parts of the rules. Please look at 3.27 for the full length of the rule)

If what you are saying is true then you were detained for just 10 minutes making it perfectly fine before being put into prison for 10 more minutes which is not detainment but a jail sentence. This would not be 2.5 but 3.27 however you were detained for less or just 10 minutes making it perfectly fine as long as ayjay had a reason to detain you for that amount of time.

If you are un-complaint you can be put into a holding cell or interrogation until you calm down, this is all apart of role-play it is definitely not 2.5 for someone to do this because I myself do this if someone is being extremely volatile when I'm trying to gather information from said person.
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Birmingham, United Kingdom
In the video it shows that allot of work is piled on top of Ayjay and he has barely any time to deal with phone calls, deal with his police officers and you he needs to find time to prioritise into dealing with you and the police, unfortunately playing as a SGT / LT requires work to be done but unfortunately you may not understand this, you batted a guy over the head which is clearly murder and expect to get away with a small year sentence.

Also I was on PERP yesterday for the majority of the day I didn't see once a report from a Dominick.
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