Ban Apology - Ben Lockwood @Bolli

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Posting on behalf of Ben Lockwood:

Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Bolli
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name
: Ben Lockwood
Your In-game Name: Ben Lockwood
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45983634

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered:

I’ll start by saying I’ve waited 2 years almost to the month to make this appeal/apology because I felt it should not, and would not, be seriously considered before this amount of time. I was originally banned on the 17th of June 2017, it has been 786 days since this ban.

My reason for posting this apology now is PERP and more specifically PERPHEADS has been a large part of my life for the last 6 years roughly. I’ve been playing on this server since 2013 and in that time have held staff positions and been a part of the community, over that time I believe I proved although I made my mistakes that I would always stick around and be a part of PERPHEADS.

Within my term as an administrator I had held the highest report closure count over a course of months with the staff team at the time, I enjoyed my time as a staff member and genuinely enjoyed helping players within the community. Whether it was simple things like helping new players learn the ropes or punishing those that broke the rules I believe I proved myself to be an adept member of staff.

My decision to cheat was one that I made impulsively and is something despite the doubt some people may have, is something I do truly deeply regret. This is not the way I ever pictured my time on PERPHEADS ending and is not how I would like to leave things, it is something I am ashamed of and hope to put right with your judgement.

I regret my decision to cheat, deeply. Much like Gerkin, the period in which I did this was under 1 week out of the many years I had been a part of the server and community. My decision to cheat on the server was impulsive, rash and foolish.

This decision is NOT something I ever intend to repeat; I make this appeal now with the promise that I would never do something like this ever again. My only intention in making this apology is to hopefully get the chance to re-join the server and community that has given me some of my fondest memories and helped me meet some of the people I have been lucky enough to call friends.

I understand my punishment was just and I make no effort or misbelief to dispute this, I deserved the ban I received and accepted it willingly as a result of my actions. I now however believe a large enough amount of time has passed that I am able to confidently say that I have grown, matured and most of all changed.

Although this may seem like the cliché sort of cringey thing that people say in these ban apologies I truly believe this and speak from the heart when I say so. My intention when making this appeal is to hopefully have a chance to play with my friends again and even re-connect with all those within the community that I once had the pleasure of playing with.

I am simply not the same person I was when I made the decision to cheat, I hope you can take this opportunity to give me a second chance. I most of all truly hope that even though you only have my word to go on that I can take this possible opportunity to show you first hand that I intend to re-integrate and play to the upmost standard you would expect from an ex-staff member and indeed, any member of the community.

In closing I will just sum up my appeal by saying once again and with true meaning and empathy for any damage my actions would have caused that I am deeply sorry for this, these actions truly are a black part of my PERP history and are not something that I would like to be remembered by.

Please give me an opportunity to prove to you and everyone within the community that I can take part in a meaningful way.

Additional Comment(s):

Whether this appeal is accepted or denied I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone, staff and player alike, for creating a server over the last 6 years that I am proud to have been a part of. Through this server I’ve made extremely fond memories, moments and friends that I would not trade for anything. PERP truly has been an integral part of my good friendships and my life as a whole. Thank you. I hope you can give me the opportunity to hopefully have many more in the months or years to come.

-Ben Lockwood
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