Ban Apology (Benj㋡)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Benj㋡
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Mr_Blyatmane ツ
Your Roleplay Name: Phillip Larsson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:184383095

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5: Shot a player down for no reason, took their gun and DC'd. Just got off a ban for attempted massRDM.

Why should this appeal be considered?: (Sorry for spelling mistakes and such) I'm starting this by again apologizing for my said behavior, it was very childish and dumb of me, and I still stand by my apology in the last ban apology.

It's been another month now and I am in a few weeks or so going on summer vacation. but one thing I would really like to do before that is play perp again and recap with my old friends. I have recently started to get more in touch with old people I used to talk with on perp and genuinely miss perp a lot. I realized this when I talked with friends on discord and they started to talk about recent events and such on perp, just in general perp-related stuff. And I can say I really miss it to be fair. Perp was I guess you can call it my ''escape zone'' if I ever really had a boring day or in general a bad day I always could rely on having a great day on perp and having fun with my friends. because I don't really like power growing or growing in general, I just want to have fun with friends and fuck around. I used to have a very childish attitude and act horrendously towards the community and to be honest, that's probably why I felt the community wasn't good, because of people like me. but I want to showcase my changed behavior and in general have a lot of fun on the server.

I'm soon off to summer vacation as I said and I would like to recap, have fun and just enjoy some time on the server before leaving, and when I'm back of course. because I can't lie. I love perp, It's always been a lot of fun, and to be honest I didn't mean anything I said when I had my ''breakdown''. And I call it a breakdown because I was a fucking idiot. and I guarantee people will agree with me on that.

I can 100% guarantee when I'm back I won't even have the thought of mass rdm'ing or in general rdm, or just in general break the rules in that way as I did, because. let's face it, I was fucking dumb to do what I did. and I won't do it again because after 10 months I have truly realized how much perp really meant to me. After all, like 80% of my friends if not more play on this server and I would like to join in on the fun both with and without them, because I genuinely like this server I have realized, like most of my good friends I still have contact with to date I know from this server, from when I joined in 2018 and from my time last year, some come and go but a lot has stayed and I've had a great time when playing, some of my favorite memories in life are actually from my time on the server, which may seem like ''wow he has no life'' but it's just been an absolute rollercoaster playing on this server, which has given me these fun memories. and my summer wish is to relive and gain more memories, I'm in a way better headspace than last year which will also improve how I handle situations, and not let any bad or childish behavior out.

So in conclusion, I miss perp I miss a lot of the memories and friendships I gained on this server and would like to spend some of my summer vacations fooling around on the server with my friends, I've had very few bad experiences on the server and I really miss playing so as I have said a lot of times, please consider to give me another chance, I can promise you I have reformed and don't ever want to ruin for others in the way I did, and let's be real, I ruined things for myself too, and I really regret my decision and some of my close friends who also play on the server can confirm that i say it every day ''damn I'm a fucking idiot for getting myself banned'' because there's no other person to blame then myself, it's been 4 months through this ban and if you really think about it I've been banned for 10 months as I only played for like 1-2 hours after getting unbanned the first time. these 4 months i have really thought about my behavior and realized I had to change to get back to the server, and that's what I did. and that's what I'm gonna show you all

I would also like to apologise to Benji for wasting his time on banning me, i am deeply sorry for wasting your precious time that you could've used on litreally anything else but had to use on my ban. i am sincerely sorry for wasting your time.

Additional Information: I have reformed.
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Great Britain

Your little game was to get yourself banned and waste the staff teams' time, acting as though you're above the server. This is not behaviour we want anywhere near this community. These are the consequences of your actions and you are facing them.

@Benj @Collier
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