Ban Apology (Dave, KeiwaM and A1L)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Dave, KeiwaM and A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Louie
Your Roleplay Name: Louie Gonzalves (i believe)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:226391237

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - Failed to comply with gunpoint // Extended by KeiwaM: -- Extension for causing problems

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello Perpheads, and perpheads management!

Its now been over 8 months since i got banned from perpheads and pushed out of the community for good. I have made a few apologies saying sorry to the members of the community especially the members that i was being ugly to which resulted in my permanent ban. I dont wanna say sorry again and again as at some point it looses its trust and its worth, and in the end its just another ban appeal.

I am currently 15 soon to be 16 years old, and in the last half a year i have evolved as a person faster than ever. I feel like the ban from perpheads gave me time to breath and gain back control of my life, as before my ban i was practically a fat little kid sitting 10 out of the 12 hours i was awake playing and grinding perpheads. After my ban i got bored and decided to go do some fun stuff from outside the community, (after i was done being childish and alting and spreading bad mood around in the community) which was the best choice i have ever made for myself. I got an actual social life with some people that i now cant go one day without chatting with, and i actually began in the gym and taking care of my body and my mental. By this i dont say that i really regret playing perpheads, as it was incredibly fun and i've definetly had some memories that i will talk with the people i actually got to learn pretty well from the community with.

In previous ban apologies i have talked about how much i missed the community and the people within it. I as said above wrote sorry to the people i was being rude towards and using awfull language also in the ban appeals. I just before read these ban appeals through and kinda cringed as i saw how superficial i was being, doing anything i could to get back in the community. This time i try to dig down and actually let out what i feel and not what you want to hear.

Topping off i wanna talk about the ban evading and cheating. When i got permanently banned i was mad at the admins, and the people within the community thinking they treated me unfaily and that i should have been treated better and with more respect. I figured now that i didnt actually earn that respect and that you sleep in the bed you make. I treated myself like a superior and expected everyone else to do so too, which i can now see that i never actually earned the social acceptence that i thought i had back then. I began to look for ways to get on the server and make the experince worse for other players on the server. I started off with alting and massrdm'ing to try and show how unhappy i was, now i belive i was unhappy with myself, and tried to take out my anger on the community.

I then got in contact with a dude that had some cheats he wanted me to try on the server and send the info back to him so he could make this cheat better. In the end i got in contact with some of the admins after my ban and sold the cheat out. I never gave him the info he needed and tried to help the devs break this cheat down, but in the end i had went on the server with cheats and had ruined the experience for other players once again, which i find that i should have never taken so far, and its something that i regret doing.

If i should by any 1/1000000 chance get unbanned from this appeal, i would probably not be as active as i was before my ban. I would be on here and there and spread a good image instead of being on 10 hours a day and spreading a bad image. I think that i would be ready to go back into the community if the admin team thinks its possible, and try to show a new side and perspective of me as a person. I realise that 8 months ago i did something so stupid and selfish of targeting another person within the community. I also started reacting outwards on the discord and forums seeking attention so i would feel special, which i realise that i was just being annoying and getting the wrong kind of attention for my ego and my pride.

Thank you for reading this, or even just skimming it through. Hope all of you are doing great and i hope that i will be able to chat and debate with you guys sooner or later.

Your last ban for cheating was under a year ago. When you asked me how long you should wait, I had not checked when the last ban for cheating was.

We will not consider your appeal until 1 year after your last evasion/cheating attempt.
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