Ban Apology (@Dave)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dave
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Grophyanskiy_
Your Roleplay Name: Benjamin Ruggiero
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240551246

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.5 - User returned to his NLR zone and started killing shooters after dying there during the same situation.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So,i've waited the half of my ban,if exactly it has been 2,5 days of my ban and if we do some math 5:2 = 2,5.

First,i wanna say that im sorry that i did 3 apologyes earlier and didnt listen to admins,im really sorry for that,and if i was distresing you with that.In that situation with NLR its totally my fault,and i recognize that and i swear that will not happen again,i totally forgot about NLR and that is my fault,in the future i will pay the best attention to the all rules,and especially 3.5. It was already 2 days from my ban,and please trust me,those 2 days was enough for me to read the rules,and know i will pay the attention to my actions.

Im very sorry for that,and sorry for the guys i killed in the process,im very sorry guys,and i apologize my actions. I want to say sorry to the whole server if i distresed someone,and if i injured someone in the process. Please excuse me,i apologize my actions.

Thanks so much for the persons who read that,appreaciate it.
And thanks to the staff who will reply to that thread. I hope yall will excuse me for my actions..

Sorry guys,sorry.

Additional Information: Sorry again.
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