Ban Apology (Does not say)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Does not say
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Not Applicable

Your Steam Name: AWasteOfTime
Your Roleplay Name: Marilyn Chance(I think i have no idea)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95161896

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: There is no ban reason in the bans tab

Why should this appeal be considered?: So i was unbanned for a certain reason. I appealed and said this: "The first 2 names that i had made were indeed racial slurs so i am very sorry for that. The next few times that i had made a name were acually "serious". My first name was just a copy and paste from a certain sentence in the name creator and when that was not good enough i used my steam name. I expected the server to accept "serious names" for example my steam name or just a certain funny name in a movie or series or something buy no. After i had tried to use my steam username he(Travis) said i would be banned. I thought he was making a joke but it was taking a bit and then without reasoning i was banned. It said in my ban reason i could just appeal if i was going to be serious and i will be now. I will make a serious name and i will play the game seriously." End of reason. Now i was back on the server and made a actual good name that i thought was good and serious but the admin fro some reason did not accept the name and said he would make a random name for me which was fine. Then after like 5 minutes i got banned OUT OF NOWHERE. No adminds saying anything no reason in the Bans tab on this website NOTHING. I have no idea what happend so the only thing i can think of is just make another appeal and state what happend. Hope you could help me. PS: My appeal earlier was made by Solid Dyllie.

On Behalf of @travis, This is being denied. You are waiting out the ban. The ban was reinstated due to you still breaking the rules and Administration felt it was appropriate for some form of punishment to be handed out and kept on your record which should be served, in a majoritory.
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