Ban Apology @hayden

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: (See: ScamBans) : @Hayden
How long were you banned for: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: ImJoshingYou
Your In-game Name: Max Joshua Robertson from previous Josh Meow
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16046716

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) : 2.4 Offering to buy perp cash for steam gift card

Why should this appeal be considered:

I would like to apologize to Hayden first off for jumping at him right of that bat for the Ban Disputes i did get a little heated but understand why the action was taken so hastily due to circumstances. I want to apologize to all the staff that run the server and keep it going, I do understand that if people sell perp cash for IRL money it takes away from helping the server sustain itself with premium sales and can affect overall server longevity. I also want to say sorry to the players this might have affected if I had decided to decide to purchase it could have affected the economy in game and in that sense i am sorry. I do want to state when I say I've been playing for awhile i have 5 total days played and I only started 2 weeks ago i believe. I have taken another look at all job rules and server rules to make sure another instance doesn't happen again. I try and stay completely friendly in game I don't like to raid i just like the aspect of being able to grow and chill with people and cant deny i like to gamble on the perp casino and loose money haha.

This is gunna have a big impact on me since the last 2 weeks i have come to enjoy the server and made a couple of friends and some enemy but all in all this server does bring me joy when I'm not working in real life and am really sorry.

In conclusion i understand that you'll had to take action immediately and I apologize for not seeing the server rule 2.4 and telling him no from the get go i should have been more proactive reading rules and it will not happen again. Sorry All!

I hope that you can grant me a second chance.

Additional Comment(s): Thank You to whoever time was taken to reading this

Kind Regards,
For myself to reduce the risk of breaking a server law or rule I now will have these 2 notepad documents on my other monitors while playing so I can make sure and double check.


I appreciate that you're sorry for your actions however, your ban was already shortened to 5 days and I feel this is very generous based on the circumstances. The ban will remain and you will be able to play again on the 12th November.

Reviewed with @flugs and @nutrient10
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