Ban Apology (Keiwam)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Keiwam
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: spdm_66
Your Roleplay Name: tyronee brown
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171848906

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: carbombing

Why should this appeal be considered?: i got banned today for carbombing a person, and i used a car bomb for my 2nd time (1st was fully reasonable), i used it because we got raided and then my friend for fun asked if he can get at least 1 gun back, because raider got like 5 or idk how much (ik it would not work, but my friend tried lmao) as an answer that guy started mocking him by punching his dead teammate in face with fists and saying some words, i can't remember what he said. So i noticed, that they were 3 overall, and other guy was driving a black porsche, so i thinked of revenge plan, and leveled up crafting for lvl 40, so i made a car bomb and planted it on that car. Of course i regret my actions as i was kinda mad about all situation and got tilted quickly, but after what happened, mod made a report and later tp'ed me on the roof. I talked about everything and why i did it, i told him everything as i am saying to you right now and i told the mod that i have 3 days of playtime (72h) and i read all the rules twice, but i haven't remembered about explosives correctly as it was not very very important to me, as i was kinda far away from car bombs and i didn't thinked that i would even use it often. Can you please help me with this situation, i really love this server and i play it regularly and don't want to have a ban for that much time because of my stupid action, and the moderator was obviously mad ,because when i said that i have 72h playtime on this server, he told you could do a lot better with that much and said, ok now u will have time to learn it again, and after that i saw ,,you got banned from the server" (btw he did not talked with me in a friendly way, i obviously saw that he was mad, maybe i exploded his friend)
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Before doing any sort of 'revenge' actions, please keep in mind your reasoning for doing so must not break the rules, such as 2.5 or 3.4.
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