Ban Apology - @Madda

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Madda
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Zoephix
Your In-game Name: James Casey
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50197118

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered:
It's been about half a year since I was banned, I have since then really thought about my actions thoroughly. I personally feel like I've learned my lesson from everything which happened. I was aware of the fact that using any form of cheats wasn't tolerated at the time of doing so, it was stupid and ignorant from me to continue to run my hacks that day on an alternative account and then lie about it afterwards. I regret all of my actions and decisions which I took that day, and I'm really sorry for committing them. I have changed as a person as well since then, I really have.

I still daily think about my ban because I can't join my friends, or play whenever I feel like doing so. Perpheads has really been a big source of what gave me entertainment, and has also been a part of my life. Starting in late 2014 my brother introduced me to Perpheads and I started playing with him and his friend, from evading cops in a Mini Cooper to growing drugs we were generally having a great time. Even though my brother eventually stopped playing, my interest in the server stayed. Throughout the years I have made a lot of friends which I still regularly speak with, and created many great memories which will always stick to my mind. I don't know any other communities out there which are like this one, I just miss being able to have laugh with friends and create new memories while spending my time on the server.

I'm really sorry yet again for my actions, I promise not to use any form of cheats ever again. I also want to apologize for lying towards Madda and Collier the day my ban occured, I hope the both of you can forgive me for that. I really hope that I can be given a second chance, what happened won't happen ever again.

Additional Comment(s): N/A
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