Ban Apology (Spoon)

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Reaction score
Sheffield United Kingdom
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Spoon
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: Swifter
Your Roleplay Name: Ava Sterling
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:171921643

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - User as a medic remained in the area of a active situation that was not clear. When the User witnessed a criminal set bodies on fire with a molotov they called them out on the radio while stood right infront of them, resulting in their swift death

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, Moderator Spoon

I have came to apologize and inform you some details on why I should be unbanned and make a return to the server.
So instead of apologizing and trying to have another go on the server I actually read the guidelines an making an attempt to understand the rule and even imagine the situations I may be in and tell some friends showing me their screens if they are breaking 3.4. Instead of reading the 3.4 guidelines Maia has provided us at home. Whenever I go to school on the bus early as 7:00 I am reading the guidelines as PERP is something that really does entertain me and if I want to join back I know that I have to PROPERLY read the rules and understand it in every bit of detail. I am now in secondary and have a Full clean record so I am not going to get a not a full clean record but try to cleanse my record into trying not to get banned and have a better reputation. I have also been getting tips like what a friend has given me " Nice man
just think about it like this, would you rather lose x amount of money or a gun ect ect
or get a ban " Am now going to think this every single time in a situation like this. As I said before I don't want to be that 1 guy who always gets banned anymore I really do want to make a change to my actions therefore I do apologize for all the mistakes I have made previously and I will make a change now.
Sorry Perpheads.

Sincerely, Swifter
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