Ban Apology (travis)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: travis
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: ChrisGM
Your Roleplay Name: Angel Luvi
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:523427639

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5 - Mass RDM as a firefighter

Why should this appeal be considered?: First and foremost I wanna apologise for my actions, at the time I did what I did, I kind of thought it was allowed, but I am not here to argue or cause drama of any sort. What I did was unacceptable, but I wanna explain the situation as much as I can. I was playing the server with my RP brother and friend within my organisation when some guys come up to us and start causing a fight, the outcome of the fight was that me and my friend got knocked out when they got in their car and run me over. After that happened, we both got picked up by a medic and after that they still punched me once but I went away. Now the next part is what I did wrong, I got kind of mad, and me and my friend got a job at the fire station. Furthermore we pulled out a fire engine and proceeded to go to them and hit 2 of them once with the fire engine (I believe they got back up, but that does not matter). After that, the engine broke down and people were saying MRDM or something like that, which actually caused me to get kind of scared and I disconnected from the server. Moreover, I wanna repeat that what I did was unacceptable, but I want to point out that I thought that due to us having a fight and all, I could go back and hit them with the fire engine, but it turns out I cant. I am not that "new" but I still dont have enough experience within the server to know a lot, and I really like the community and gameplay here so it would be very appreciated if my ban could get appealed or atleast reduced since I would like to get on with my friend again and play, and those actions will not be repeated again of course.

Additional Information: No matter the outcome of this appeal, I wanna apologise to those included in the situation and the admin that had to deal with this. I am truly sorry.
Reaction score

Although your apology is appreciated, you had done this only yesterday. It is never acceptable to decide to run over three people just because you "got mad" because all it does is ruin people's experiences. I suggest you take the time to think over your actions.
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