Ban Appeal for Dai

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots
How long were you banned for: CWB

Your Steam Name: Dai
Your In-game Name: Dai-Gin Jinn
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155798045

Why were you banned/blacklisted: CWB
Why should this appeal be considered: Coming up to 7 months since my ban I've had a lot of time to reflect on my own actions, think if I'd like to rejoin the community and wonder if I'd do anything different now. 7 months ago the server was an extremely toxic environment and not fun for me leading to me deciding to no longer play and get myself banned for rdm the 2nd time in around a year period. This isn't the first time I made the decision however, my first ban was pretty lenient as I only needed to copy and paste a ban appeal to be unbanned. Since my ban I've lost contact and haven't played with a lot of friends I made during my 5 year spell with the community I've grown up with. Losing access to the forums was a big loss for me as I browsed everyday and socialised with others in the community. Personally, I believe I overplayed the server which lead to my unrational actions. Having taken the step back I feel like I'm now 100% likely to take a step back and have a break rather than getting myself banned if I was in the same position again. I'd like to be able to rejoin the community and put right what I did wrong as others have done previously. There's no way I'll be able to take back or undo my toxic and disrespectful actions towards other members rather than apologise here, learn from it and insure it wouldnt happen again.

Additional Comment(s): Thanks for taking the time to read my appeal.
This appeal only really addresses an RDM ban, yet a huge part of this ban was because of what happened on Twitch. The way you behaved when going through community members' facebook profiles was utterly deplorable
I completely agree, ignoring the fact its a game and just judging my previous actions were embarrassing and disgusting. I'm lucky that one of those involved wasn't hurt or impacted by it as I'm not sure he knows it occurred. I'd apologise to him. However, I feel it would only make it worse if he was told what happened. As for the other person negatively affected, I could only see it as vengeful and completely understand why an appeal would be denied. Having too much involvement with the community did mean I needed the step back to see its a game and we all just need to prioritise having fun as the main goal instead of situations like this where I've gone and targeted these users for my grudges or distasteful ammusement. My actions at the time were to get myself banned without a chance of appeal as well as negatively affect others instead of just leaving. Completely irrational, I can only apologise to those involved and hope they weren't hurt or targeted due to my stream. Bringing family into a game is disgusting from me and its taken me stepping back to be able to judge myself and feel ashamed for it, hoping it wasn't bad for those negatively involved. I'd like the opportunity to put it right and give back to the community as others have and apologise if I'm able to speak to those affected again. I can see Perp has become an environment where disrespect and toxic behaviour is not tolerated immediately rather than occasionally.
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