Ban appeal for Rayz

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @Fredy
How long were you banned for: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Rayz
Your In-game Name: Gallion Malik
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:100114317

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Community Wide-Ban
Why should this appeal be considered: So during the time of me being banned, I was slightly burnt out from the server and one night I made the decision to do something stupid once again. I hate the fact that this is my second permanent ban but I'll be honest and just apologise for my mistake once again. During my time as a player, I tried my best to conduct myself well on the server. I keep making stupid mistakes which result in a permanent ban and I continue to regret these decisions I make. If I was to be unbanned and given even another chance, I would understand the consequences of my decisions and try my best to not make any more mistakes like these.

I’d like to apologise to all the staff members that were affected by my actions.
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