Ban appeal for Tetra @SpaceShots

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots
How long were you banned for: 48hrs

Your Steam Name
: Tetra
Your In-game Name: Unknown
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:75268988

Why were you banned/blacklisted: (See: ScamBans) : 3.4 - User ran off whilst under direct gunpoint, this then led to his death minutes later.
Why should this appeal be considered:
I believe this appeal should be considered due to a few reasons.
I have fully admitted what occured as to speed up the moderators time so that he could be better spent dealing with more important incidents. I never in the sit attempted to lie and simpky stated what I believe occured and how I believed I would have been able to escape. However agian my misunderstanding of 3.4 still is an issue which I am attempting to rectify further. This has been my first ban in the last 3 years and only recently have I been reciving warmings and Im not gonna use any excuse for my behaviour since I dont believe in doing this. However I just got a little bit frustrated int his situtaion.

I completely understand what I have done wrong and gonna have a chat with a few folks in order to get a better understanding of 3.4 to prevent somethig like this occuring agian in the future. If you ask some players you can see I have been improving. +
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