Husko ban appeal @SpaceShots

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Reaction score
United Kingdom, Devon
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: @SpaceShots
How long were you banned for: 6 months

Your Steam Name: L1NK
Your In-game Name: James Husky(?)
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:105105797

Why were you banned/blacklisted: “Extremely toxic” - Violation of 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour - Disrespectful behaviour, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable; users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully at all times.

Why should this appeal be considered:

First of all, I would like to state that my ban is no way was invalid despite the questioning revolving the original ban reason being vague, with that being said after speaking with SpaceShots and evaluating the evidence provided against me and my peer @Dom_ it was clear that our bans were valid. What I did was in an argument with another player, at the time he was a cheater and myself and many others knew this but had no evidence. At the time I simply did not respect him and I still do not due to his attitude and way of carrying himself since the ban.

To the side of this, I also insulted Moderator @nutrient10 and for this, I would like to apologize, I simply mentioned gossip in OOC chat and I shouldn’t have, it was reckless and without due reasoning as me and this user had never had any prior altercations that would even provoke such a thoughtless comment.

It has been just under 4 months since my ban and I have had enough time to reflect on my actions and understand my wrongdoings and on how to improve myself upon my return, whether it be now or when the ban expires. In this time I have also taken up the position of “Test Lead” under @Samuel in this I have tested such updates including the organization update and even the new PD overhaul in tickets.

These threads can be found below:

With that I have also assisted in a few bugs here and there, these can be found in the “News and Announcement” sections on the forums.

I hope in making this appeal SpaceShots can see that I am wanting to return if he has had any unnecessary complaints or people asking him to unban me, for that I apologize on their behalf but it was also entirely out of my control.

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