Ban Dispute (Bnjemann)

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Reaction score
The Pyramids
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Bnjemann
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: HowToGetName
Your Roleplay Name: Bob Bobbison
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116639413

Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.4: Knowingly assaulting an Armed homeowner after being threatened with a gun to leave the property and stop being annoying, when the player pulled their gun the second time in response to being punched several times and got ragdolled, Pulled his gun and magdumped the player. The player was unnecessarily escalating a situation solely to annoy the new player.

Why should this appeal be considered?: First of all my intentions to quote on quote "Be Annoying" Was not the idea i apologise if i came out as "Annoying" It wasnt my intention.

This entire situation sums up from me and "Harry Pratt" former history which consist of "shittalking" and gunfights.

But i wasnt the only one escelating the situation which it seems like in the report reason. After he told us to leave the property i went on the sidewalk where he proceeds to ask me to "punch him" Instead of telling me to leave him alone or go away from hes house entirely. He instead waited and ecouraged me to attack him so he could proceed to pull the gun. Where afterwards my friends act in defense including me.

Just to state when he gunpointed me he says "Do you want a cap in your hand?" And hes friend "Do you wanna get fully disabled?"
And then ofcourse afterwards he says to "Get the fuck off their property" Which i did.
He never told me to "Stop being annoying"

Also in the report it states that i punched him several times which i only did twice (Including the time on the clip) I never Incouraged "Isabella" To punch him with me. And the only time he got ragdolled was at the time he pulled out the gun. Not anytime before the shootout.

Might aswell being himself putting hes life at risk to initiate a gunfight he could have avoided by simply going in hes house or tell us to leave the neighbourhood. Instead of pulling out a weapon to 4 guys outside hes house, and a car to run him over right infront of him.

After we've reviewed the evidence, we believe that you were well aware of the involved player being armed and pointing a gun at you previously.

Instead of simply removing yourself from the situation it was obvious you antagonized them to try and force a reaction, so you could shoot them.

Reviewed with @Scoot, @Megasaw and @JoeyThings
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