Ban Dispute (Dave)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dave
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: roos
Your Roleplay Name: Kavgston Kingston
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524310229

Why were you punished?: 3.4 - After a Slums raid had played out, and the user had partaken in wiping the PD. Instead of leaving as soon as possible, the user decided to stop near the front door of the PD Lobby and get a medic to heal their friend after killing a TFU officer, then instead of leaving while the medic was wrapping up, the user decided to hold an angle through the PD Lobby doors, instigating a standoff between him and a corporal inside the PD this then lead to the users death

Why should this appeal be considered?: the video you see me only try to kill the corporal that was actively trying to push me meaning that he was threat to my life, I stayed in the area because as you can see before me looking into the hall there was my friend still getting healed on top of the road. I talked to some mods and they said that they dont see me breaking any rules therefor Im making this dispute

Additional Information: Literally me and klown got banned for the same reason I was the one first started looking for medic to heal Google Chrome legs but the medic broke gp and that's what it all started from it was the same sitolatuon as @klown I was whenever I killed the medic who broke gp I just wanted to get him for google chrome whenever I killed him tfu pushed out I killed him as you can see from klowns pov then I was about to dip but I saw that klown is getting pushed pushed and I helped him I was just helping and holding for google chrome to get healed then one more medic came he healed google then I needed him to heal me until then only the tfu pushed out as klown said then the corporal was just sitting in lobby so we had to peak him and kill him as you can see 0:34 to 0:37 I was getting medic for chrome then me and klown just holded for him
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