Ban Dispute (Efan)

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Efan
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Reggie
Your Roleplay Name: Genesis Mathias
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:169850682

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1, 1.4 - Incredibly toxic despite community resolution and warnings by staff

Why should this appeal be considered?: As you can see in the clip at first all of my insults were in character as we have a bad history and dont like eachother I went up to him and said "eric johnson k" and he pulled a shotgun on me and ordered me up the hill which I mocked him for. After walking away and going to my house I was gonna goto bazaar to buy some guns and I see in ooc eric is insulting me saying imagine saying your gonna change then be toxic which I started insulting him back for as if someone insults me im gonna insult them back then turns out he made a f6 and it was long and he just kept arguing in the sit I understand why he made the sit because when I was about to mock him I cut out because we were far apart and then it sounded like I was making fun of my stutter which I have been warned for and I know not to do it which is why I stopped myself and then when I goto the sit it goes on for about 10 min of constant bickering which I thought of a way to avoid him if I recognize him I will keep going to where ever I am going and make sure not to speak to him for anything that could come out of my mouth to result in a breach of my community resolution

Additional Information: I dont want to go back to nazi rp its too racist pls.
Very much involved in this which is why im posting

You mocked my stutter yet again which is why i got so pissed off with you

Here is the first time

This was last night
It is literally identical to each other. You did the same shit again which is why I got so pissed off. You've been told off for it before and you continued to not listen to staff and did it again which as i said above is why i got so pissed off for it. I can handle a lot of shit hurled at me but when it comes to my stuttering problem that is where i cross the line and get annoyed. I can't control my problem been to speech therapy for years regarding it with no fix for it. I find it incredibly toxic and distasteful to use it against me in a extremely terrible toxic manner which is why i've reported you twice now for it. Looking over everything it is extremally obvious to me that you like to go around causing problems. I see no reason why you would trespass on private property and talk shit to someone you don't like if you didn't want to start issues let alone mocking my fucking issues again when warned not to. You then get mad and mock me while screaming at me over me responding to you. You are a incredibly toxic human being simple as that.

Looking over your footage at 20ish seconds you say you were about to make fun of it even though later on you did. This whole situation could've been avoided if you didn't come to run your mouth for no reason. I don't know about you dude but i don't living my life around drama. Your actions were completely unacceptable and that is by your OWN admission in your video that you were going to make fun of my problem again
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I didnt do it again I was about to do it but then I caught my self are you stupid? I explained that in the sit I was about to make fun of your stutter then caught my self and instead mocked you
I didnt do it again I was about to do it but then I caught my self are you stupid? I explained that in the sit I was about to make fun of your stutter then caught my self and instead mocked you
Bro you literally are on video last night doing the same shit again. You brought this whole situation on yourself but want to get mad at me for reporting it? You are delusional.

Reviewed with @Collier
Despite numerous warnings, a ban from me and a community resolution you continued with toxic behaviour. Almost every time you are interacting with police you are caught breaking character or being toxic; furthermore, you messaged Efan shortly after your current ban... being toxic. Your claims that you were not toxic are untrue; here is some evidence:

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