Ban Dispute (Ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days

Your Steam Name: LtWolf
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: " 2.5 - Molotoved all exits of the PD with the intention to burn cops inside without a justifiable reason to do so. Accepted AR."

Why should this appeal be considered?: To start off the appeal I want to address the behavior of the police at the time was unacceptable towards everyone. They started off by bragging about how they have a lot of money and walking around bizarre with two gangs being chill just crafting (ours and UFC) talking about how rich they are. Then after doing that they went to the car dealership and proceeded to look at cars so I walked there with a few buddies from both gangs and talked to the cops where I told them a harmless your mom joke in which both officers responded differently however both clearly did not take it well. One decided it was a good idea to abuse his power and beat me with a baton which I could argue is excessive negativity when somebody just tells you a your mom joke over a game or even in person. I started bleeding and ran to them to get a heal so I got GUN POINTED and was made fun of by both of them as they walked off not apologizing then they went to my friend and harassed him too.

Secondly when they harassed my friend I kept trying to stand up for UFC because I knew now it is his turn to get bullied by them. They "took bombs" and then pointed a finger at him according to them. Then after arriving at his store they started being aggressive and defensive when we told them we did nothing wrong and chose to insult me when I told them to leave us alone because they were seriously becoming annoying to everybody at bizarre.

Third after beating me till I bled, making a fool out of me and insulting me and harassing me and my friend as well as bragging and pissing off all of bizarre my intention was formulate a plan with UFC to appear when the Slums apartments was being raided as ALL officers SHOULD have vacated the PLPD station. Then I would execute MY plan that nobody should be punished for except ME because I told them lets do it. One partner in crime would hold a 3rd exit just to be surveillance and watch if cops are coming completely not doing anything to harm them. Me and my partner who were banned coordinated to throw cocktail molotoves at the back and front exit leaving the side door as a way out for any officers still inside. I imagined this would prove to be fair however the cops who were negative to us in our place of roleplay could not handle the same treatment back apparently especially when literal firefighters were on duty as clearly shown in the clip showing that from my perspective I did nothing wrong.

Both cops bragged about their wealth to all of bizarre as if they're big and bad, Cops beat me till I bled over a your mom joke no crimes committed, Cops tried to point fingers after taking a expensive piece of equipment and gaining from free money basically and then harassed my friend with no proof till they gave up and talked trash while I told them to leave after pissing off the entire bizarre and 2 gangs. Molotoves were used while cops were all at slums or assumed to be outside the building which in the clip provided by Allen shows he was and the intention was to punch back and also use the fact fire fighters were on duty instead of cry rules when the cops hypocritically beat people up and make fun of them for no reason except a your mom joke and then talk trash because they could not arrest a person after they took extremely valuable stuff from him then leave acting like they are right and talk trash in OOC after they get hit back.

Clip 1:
Clip 2:
Clip 3:

Additional Information: When I talked about "terrorizing" that was an extreme exaggeration in the screenshot. I did not have plans to excessively bully the PD, In fact I am one. I know for sure that PD shouldn't treat people like this and it makes everybody in the department look stupid and like bullies so I chose to roleplay throwing a punch back for what they did to the whole bizarre and two gangs and now they want to sob a river instead of ask for a fire fighter and roleplay it out. I understand that that little bubble of time where they are stuck is slightly inconvenient but this is a game, if you spawn inside a burning building that gives you a reason to call the fire department and continue a fire rescue scene which would have been actually legendary except they did not and tried to talk more trash in OOC instead of an F6 and when I told them I had no ill intentions and I will not apologize for throwing a punch back Allen took it out of his way to cuss me out finally and go try get me banned.

The behaviour inhibited by the officers that you have shown evidence of, bar the first clip, is hardly "unacceptable". Regardless, this was not a reason to burn down the police station. Even if you feel harassed by two officers, you cannot react in such a way that negatively affects the entirety of the officers online as you did here. Your logic is also very flawed in saying "Then I would execute MY plan that nobody should be punished for except ME because I told them lets do it" - you shouldn't be committing a crime with the intention of being caught in the first place.

I don't really know what more to say than this. You cannot totally burn down the police station because of the actions of one officer, or at all. It's blatantly excessive and unrealistic. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me.

The above said, Tyson Rounsevell (@anonymous 2) has received a 2 day ban and a 1 week blacklist from police. Further action may be taken internally.

Reviewed with @Hayden
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