Ban Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: mohammedsaleh061105
Your Roleplay Name: Krister Olof
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:659929662 or mohammedsaleh061105

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: I got bannd for rule 1.4 3.4 3.24

Why should this appeal be considered?: Me and my friend were stopped by some people right outside the hospital by a truck (red truck) and 3 of them jumped out and pointed guns at us, what I and my friend did was put our hands up and none of us had guns or something, we wouldn't be able to put it in the trunk due to the fact that we already had an ump-45 and a Glock 17 in there. then when we get caught in the car they drive on towards the bridge, I can admit that I called 991 and told them that we were kidnappt then when we were at the suburbs and then I was teleported to an admin they were a girl named Ellie she was friendly first and talk to me like a normal person then when I was going to explain she didn't let me talk, after this, she didn't care what happened but only that she was right and didn't let me talk and gave me a 1-month ban for no reason I didn't do any of this I wish I had clips on them but unfortunately I didn't because I didn't do anything wrong if you could unban me or lower my ban they would be nice they were all

Additional Information: I didn't think the admin did the right thing and made it easy for me not to talk, I wanted you to be able to look into this as quickly as possible
Okay I see what happened here, we mixed you and your friend together when it came to the gun, which you claimed that non of you had. I will go through my demo and see who did what and it it turns out you did surrender instantly, I will lower your ban to a week. But lie to our face in adminsit and then jump out of a moving car killing yourself to preventing being kidnapped is not allowed.
i cover i could get a warning or even less ban due to it being a wrong active ban, i admitted i did some mistakes but i still shouldn't get a long ban because you wrong active banned me and didn't listen at me when I tried to explain. I would like you to change this.
i cover i could get a warning or even less ban due to it being a wrong active ban, i admitted i did some mistakes but i still shouldn't get a long ban because you wrong active banned me and didn't listen at me when I tried to explain. I would like you to change this.
I already lowered your ban because of the mixup, but at the end of the day it's up to the staff members to decide the punishment, not the used who broke the rules. The reason why it's still a ban was because you were told several times to hang up the phones by both the kidnappers and staff but you completely ignored it and then killed yourself.
you could hardly hear what they were saying in the car, everyone was shouting and the police were following and the car was very easy then when I was talking on the mobile I was talking quite loudly so you couldn't hear anything. They took me out of the car and shot me, you can see some of them in the demos and approximately when will the staff check through them

We think you should wait out your ban due to your record of 3.4 and take the time off to read the rules in general.

Reviewed with @Maia, @Draxen and @A1L
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