Ban Dispute (Ezza)

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Reaction score
Copenhagen, Denmark
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ezza
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Months

Your Steam Name: the dinoman
Your Roleplay Name: noah Ficklestein
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:423446081

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.2 - Player reported an Officer, however in his clip, his friend is very loudly saying to gunpoint him, the player wasnt near anyone or using Teamspeak ingame. - Long ban due to record of this.

Why should this appeal be considered?: My friend was playing at my house, he was telling the officer to get out of the car. The admin thought that we were talking on discord but we were playing on the same screen, i was just next to him on a chair telling him what to do, because he doesn't have a pc at home. so how is it metagaming when we are playing on one screen, and seeing the same things. The admin didn't even want to see the proof of him playing. we were not talking on discord. i also tried to speak with him on discord but he denied it, and banned me for four months.. so i think its unfair that he didn't even let me show him a picture of me and him playing on the same monitor, the same pc, and the same mouse and keyboard. I was legit right next to him telling him what to do because he is new.

Additional Information: its unfair
he has not started playing yet and im not his friend on steam, but he was gonna install steam. But he was playing on my pc to learn the basics, thats my i told him to gunpoint him. again we were playing on the same pc, i was right next to him.

Kind of-

You're right that you weren't metagaming, but allowing a community wide banned player play on your account at your house is worse.

Your ban will be replaced with a 6 month ban reflecting this.
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