Ban Dispute (Maia)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Less than 1 Day

Your Steam Name: KWM
Your Roleplay Name: Lingling Xaoping
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93823204

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User ran on the highway without a reason

Why should this appeal be considered?: I did have a reason, the taxi was broken down and so was my car, I know I could of got the train but I was already on the motorway, and I don't believe this is worth a ban when the admin could of just put me at the train station if he doesn't want me walking on the motorway, I have a screenshot of the chat with someone asking "Any taxis in game?" because no taxi driver was answering the phone

For future reference, keep in mind that you can check the number of taxi drivers on duty from your phone (City Info > Employees) and / or you can call them on 262.

You were banned because this is the second time you do something similar in 2 days. We had a talk yesterday, and today you decided to do the exact same thing. Then, when I brought you to the roof, you kept joking around and clearly didnt care about the rules you broke, that is why you received a small ban.
No I wasnt joking at all I was just saying that its not like im doing it on purpose to try and get on your nerves I was just walking down the motorway as my other modes of transport were inactive or if I had to walk back down the motorway towards the train you still would of seen me on the motorway it was a lose lose situation there was nothing I could of done, I clearly do care about the rules I broke as I havent ran across the intersection once since you spoke to me about it, you saw the taxi being broken down and didnt ask me to take the train or give any other solutions and put me there you just banned me straight up, like I will learn from my mistakes as I have with the intersection one yesterday but you didnt even give me an option to do that

You aren't allowed to walk on the highway, nor is it the admins job to pick you up and drop you at the monorail.

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