Ban Dispute (Maia)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Maia
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: Spooky
Your Roleplay Name: (Dom Bluffin)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76552008

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Because admins play the server. Admin was mad that i wouldnt be held captive in a 2v1 while in a vehicle. was mad with the outcome because it didnt go his way and this is prime example of why admins shouldnt play the server. or any server they mod/admin on thats common knowledge. to allow them to respond to the ticket they open or were involved in is unreal.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Because i didnt do anything i wouldnt do again. You hold a 6 shooter alone to two people in a moving car and consider that "at gunpoint" you're wrong. you were mad you couldnt do anything . if you had a better gun you could disable the car then i would be in fear for my life and be optionless and "at gunpoint" but you with the peashooter wasnt doing anything and you were mad. and you banned me strictly off of emotion because i didnt bow down to you because you're an admin playing the server. you're weird and i hope that 500$ a month makes you feel like a big man since you were so proud to disclose that lmfao.

Additional Information: Maia shouldnt be playing if the server is you can't take an L because you lack the firepower to turn the situation in your favor. and then to extend a ban to an unreasonable amount of time because i dont kiss your ass and actually stand my ground. get a life we see how much your ego means to you

As this is a dispute, you need evidence to back up your claim, in forms of demos or videos. Unless you provide this, and a clear reason as to why the ban reason is incorrect, it will get denied. Saying "Staff Mad" is not an argument for getting unbanned.​
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