Ban Dispute (Megasaw)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Megasaw
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: MalekIsWeird
Your Roleplay Name: Omar Asfour
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:137872891

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 2.5 - User decided to kill police to save another player who wasn't wanted for anything. This resulted in a shootout, resulting in mutliple deaths for an unjustified reason which could of been avoided by a simple investigation. // Banned for Enforcer Megasaw

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello

I was recently unjustly banned by Enforcer Megasaw for supposedly:

1) not investigating
2) breaking someone out who wasn’t wanted
3) causing a shootout for unjustified reason

My story:
From my perspective, I was at bazaar roleplaying. Suddenly I am informed by a trusted friend and org member that he might need to KOS cops at casino. I join ts and he continues to explain while we gear up to be on standby. According to Hoxton, the org member, the friend he was breaking out is currently AT the casino and he needed our help. We arrive no more than 5 minutes later observing multiple people in custody and a big scene. Hoxton began firing at police and asked us to help so we began helping.

I will tackle all 3 one by one below:

1) not investigating

Hoxton had informed us he wanted KOS and there was someone 10 toes there. We saw people in custody and only joined the shootout when Hoxton himself began firing. We did as much investigating as humanly possible before actually shooting. How am I supposed to “investigate further” if Hoxton already opened fire minutes after we arrived?

2) breaking someone out who wasn’t wanted

the target Hoxton was breaking out was actually there still. The problem is he literally told me he was 10 toes and that he is going to break him out. This is the information I was given by a trusted friend and org member who told us to help. I had no reason not to believe him.

3) unjustifiably killing cops resulting in a shootout

I didn’t kill cops to result in a shootout. A shootout was already ongoing because Hoxton fired first and therefore I joined to help him assuming he wasn’t lying to me.

Lastly I want to offer my Demo to prove this all as my evidence. Please give me until tomorrow to upload this if requested, I am more than happy to provide this.
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Please provide your POV.
I have tried multiple times today to review my own demo to get you a recording already 3 times. 2 times on the 64 bit branch of Gmod and 1 time on the normal. This was always after joining the server first to assure I did not experience errors hopefully, Unfortunately my game experienced many lua errors which I can reproduce to prove this actually happened and I am happy to recreate it on stream or in a recording to prove I am being honest.

That said, I am happy to provide my own demo as a downloadable file for you to fully have and review if you can just name it for me so I can provide it.
Flugs let me know what demo it was privately, here is the link to download it:

It would be unfair to punish you for another person's mistake, as the information they provided to you was false.

@H0xton should have investigated and ensured that you guys were breaking out the right person before calling KOS on the cops.
Reviewed with @Oddy @SamSN
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