Ban Dispute - Pugga

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Reaction score
Disputing for: I guess leaving while Unconscious?
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: Pug

Your Steam Name: 213
Your In-game Name: Phuc Datbiet
Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:19662238

Why were you banned?:

I have been playing all day and night, and the server was eventually going dry. No players were active and I was just driving around wasting gas. I tried lockpicking a car for shits and giggles and got killed. That is when I decided that it was time to log off and go to bed. Woke up today to see that I was banned. When I try to join game it says that Im perma banned. Server website says 3 days. Idk what the time of my ban is, but regardless, 3 days for just going to bed??!! That is excessive. Please unban.

I just returned from a two week ban and was trying to start fresh w/o getting banned again. THIS IS JUST FUCKED! WHAT A WAY TO START OFF THIS YEAR!

Evidence (Required for all server bans): Console Logs

Just to start off it seems as if you are more arguing the length of the ban or the exact punishment rather than the question of whether a rule was infringed upon or not. It clearly states in rule 3.20 that disconnecting whilst unconscious is a direct infringement of the rule which you are proven to have done in the logs - Player disconnected. Reason: Disconnect by user. (G-0)(R-0)(H-uncon)

If it is the length of the punishment you are trying to dispute a staff complaint will have to be made, however, please be aware that many factors, including your previous punishment record, are considered when deciding the severity of punishment and that they are down to staff discretion.

In terms of what you can do at this point, a staff complaint can be made where an Administrator will weigh up and determine whether the length for the ban given was unreasonable or not based on @Pugga's reasons, or you can go ahead and make a ban appeal here.

Also, the message you received when attempting to join did not tell you that you were permanently banned, it stated "You're banned from the server. Please check for more information." from what I can see in logs.
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