Ban Dispute (steelo)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: koko3233
Your Roleplay Name: E Brown
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:83824857

Why were you punished?: 1.1, 1.6, 2.5 - The user attempted to kill a player who was simply armed at the Drug Dealer without giving any verbal commands prior. The user lied in the report, claiming they issued commands to the player, but evidence showed that they only activated their microphone once they began to shoot. Told me to "eat shit" when I informed them that they were being banned.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was in the hiding in the bathroom to mug with my weapon out and up behind the door when Steelo came in to look at the dead body in the stalls, left of where I was with his back facing to me and a weapon out but the barrel down i came up and said 'Hands" 'Hands up". His response was "What" "What", after the second "What" I shot him for not complying but I lagged and missed and then he killed me.

Additional Information:
not sure what time it happend heres 4 demos

I understand if they have a weapon they don't have to comply but if I had my gun up already pointed at him and he had his out but 'Down' not even ready to shoot. He would have 2 options, do what the guy with a gun barrel pointed at you, says or raise your gun barrel which would put you at risk of dying when the combatant/mugger already has his gun barrel on you while your gun is not even up and would take a few seconds before you could even fire. That is a realistic mugging

And yelling or whispering he would have still heard me i tested Senario out with a police officer named Michael Arias and he heard me fine.

The 1.1 I did say "eat ass" and i did apologys " Sorry if that hurt your feeling". that one got me banned for another week
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Upon reviewal of the ban evidence, it is clear that you pre-emptively shot when attempting to mug the individual. When you intend on mugging someone, you should really avoid doing it to visually armed individuals, and if they are armed you cannot just shoot them instantly with no interactions. Your intention here seemingly was to just execute the individual, but you just missed.

Reviewed with @A1L @Erwin @Megasaw
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