Ban Dispute (Steelo)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Steelo
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Pennytraitor
Your Roleplay Name: Masseiah Jehad
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51551732

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User failed to comply with orders given under gunpoint.

Why should this appeal be considered?: This is how it started i was sitting in my friends car we are at the intesection and i jump out to talk to a officer and when doing so i blocked his path and he got angry so we exchange some dirt words, he walks away and i follow him now he is behind steelo so i keep calling him names and challenging him then i punch him twice and call him a bitch While running away ( i know i was the one starting the whole thing but i socked him for talking shit ) I hop in my friends veichal we try to drive away Thats when steelo decides bullets are the answer and start spraying at our veichal we hop out and try to run away i have a good distance on steelo i turn a corner to drink water to continue the chase after drinking steelo pops out from the corner with his weapon in his hand ( I understand why he had his weapon out in this particular location it was in the Roadcrew gas station alley way usally in these spot's people pull their weapons out and start shooting ) But in my case i was going in for physical assualt 9.2 wich is only 5 years in prison. So defending my self with a weapon would go agianst a more assured rule break, i just think this ban was a bit excessive becouse we both were in the wrong i didn't stop when i was gunpointed by you even tho you had told me plenty of times to stop
and you shouldn't have a weapon out during a 9.2 foot chase nor shoot at cars for simply punching a officer

Additional Information: Thank you for you're time please feel free to hop in the dispute even tho you weren't involved

Not valid reasoning for failing to follow gun-point, sorry mate.

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