Ban Dispute (Super_)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Super_
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: Diki Johnson
Your Roleplay Name: Diki Johnson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:168213127

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.5, 5.3 - User returned to a raid they were previously involved with in order to collect weapons and thus, assisting with the raid. In another incident shortly afterwards, the user failed to comply while under direct gunpoint by an Officer

Why should this appeal be considered?: bicause i apoligaisd and didint want to brake the rules and i already talked to Super_ on discorder he sad he is gonna reduise it to five days if i make a requist on forums this is the discord chat
[5:54 PM]
hello sir
[5:54 PM]
you banned me
[5:54 PM]
on ph
[5:54 PM]
for 1week
[5:55 PM]
can i ask why

Super — Today at 5:55 PM
3.4, 3.5, 5.3 - User returned to a raid they were previously involved with in order to collect weapons and thus, assisting with the raid. In another incident shortly afterwards, the user failed to comply while under direct gunpoint by an Officer

im speed — Today at 5:55 PM
okay so the seconde part is true
[5:56 PM]
i do admit to that
[5:56 PM]
but the first one
[5:56 PM]
is like
[5:56 PM]
my freand told me there was a raid goin on i should gett the guns out
[5:56 PM]
thats why i got the guns out
[5:56 PM]
so i dont know why thats against the rules
[5:57 PM]
and i think you could have just given me a warning or something
[5:57 PM]
bicasue it was my first offence in a week or 2

Super — Today at 6:00 PM
Firstly, you had only just respawned and almost immediately returned to Regals. Even if you were just outside your NLR zone, you still shouldn't be returning as stated here: While waiting for their NLR timer to run out, players should not wait in the vicinity of their NLR zone and should stay a reasonable distance away.
[6:00 PM]
And regarding you picking up guns, by you doing that you are assisting with a raid you had previously died in
[6:00 PM]
Which is in violation of 5.3 as stated here: If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 1 hour after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property.

im speed — Today at 6:01 PM
okay i gett that
[6:01 PM]
now i undorstand
[6:01 PM]
[6:01 PM]
your right
[6:01 PM]
but couldnt you like warn me or give me a lessor sentence
[6:02 PM]
bicasue it was my 1 offence in weeks
[6:02 PM]
i know i broke the rules your rifght i didint go there whit the intensions of doing something against the rules you gett me?
[6:03 PM]
i just followed

Super — Today at 6:03 PM
I gave a week ban as it's multiple rule breaks in two situations and your record for 3.4 isn't exactly great when looking at your warnings/bans

im speed — Today at 6:03 PM
so i know your in the right but im just asking for a lessor sentence
[6:03 PM]
yeah but befor is before
[6:03 PM]
alright sir

Super — Today at 6:03 PM
I'm happy to lower it to 5 days but you would need to appeal on the forums if you wanted it lowered further or removed

im speed — Today at 6:04 PM
[6:04 PM]
i undorstand
I was the one that got raided in this situation and who said that the raid was still going on? I killed both you and Elias. I then shortly died by bleeding and once i come back to life i go to the front of the regals parking and see both of you running into regals 5 and picking up weapons. I dont get how the raid can still be going on if you both are dead and i am also dead. Also i dont really see any problem with reducing the ban to 5 days. If Super thinks its an agreeable punishment it is fine.

Doesn't seem like a dispute, if you wish for your ban to be lowered or to be completely unbanned, make an apology.
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