Ban Dispute (travis)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: travis
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Brandstorp
Your Roleplay Name: Tom Bones (i think)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138522438

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User decided to kill a medic for no reason and then disconnected while unconscious after being shot

Why should this appeal be considered?: I didnt kill the medic for no reason, if he said that he was lying. He ran me over for no reason and knocked me out. I pulled my bat out to kill him for running me over and some other guy just shoots me in the head. I had to leave because i had to go. And i think i only shouldve gotten a punishment for leaving and not killing anyone.

Additional Information: No additional info.

Hi Brandstorp, in order to argue your claims you must provide evidence as mentioned in the information thread here:
A Warning/Ban dispute must contain sufficient evidence such as a video of the situation or a demo with the relevant tick provided

(required notification for you that you have 48 hours to do so before this is being closed and you may make a new one once the evidence has been acquired)

Here is some help in case you are unknown with the demo system:


After a discussion with @A1L and @Benj We agreed that you indeed did it for a reason, however, please don't kill medics over such actions, as a government employee murdering someone for no reason isn't allowed and should be reported rather than just going killing them resulting in your death. The ban will be changed into a warning for "3.20- disconnected while unconscious after being shot"
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