Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute (part apology)
Which staff member banned you: @Dom_
How long were you banned for: 1 day

Your Steam Name
: censored.exe
Your In-game Name: Chris Jenson
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72160298

Why were you banned/blacklisted: 3.4
Why should this appeal be considered:
Ill start by explaining the situation. I'd just made friends with the people in subs 4, and we were planning an alliance. About 2-3 minutes later, they were raided and to my knowledge, all of them died. The police turned up, and I watched from a rooftop with an ACOG sight. Multiple shots were fired from the house, and someone emerged from the house, in cuffs, who wasn't with the people basing in subs 4, so he's obviously the raider, which is the assumption I correctly made.
No cops had seen me on the roof, and I was a fairish distance away, so I shot him and immediately ducked down and hid in the base. This action here is why I was given a 3.4 ban, because I shot him in front of cops.
I'm making this dispute because I believe, from my POV, it was reasonable to assume cops had no way to 100% identify the shot came from suburbs house 2 and therefor shouldnt have raided.
While I completely agree there was a risk to it, seeing as I would 100% have a warrant on me due to it, I believed to be safe within subs 2, as yet again, I believe there was no way cops would raid over that. The video clearly shows no cops saw me.

The point im trying to make is this, from my POV, it was reasonable to assume that cops wouldn't raid and couldn't pinpoint the shooter's location.
  • A single gunshot from a vague area is not enough to raid a single owned property within that vague area
  • No cops saw me
  • It's unrealistic that cops could pinpoint a gunshot to that house
  • A warrant on me wouldn't mean much, seeing as I believed myself to be in a safe house
  • I didn't own the property.
I based my assumption that I was safe on the multiple variables and factors that I had, that all lead to the conclusion that cops shouldn't have raided.

Dom, you said to me that cops could have heard, and it was fairly obvious that it came from the large subs houses, however I believe a shooter could have easily taken the shot from any of the other houses, even if not occupied and escaped, or the could have shot from the ground level, and jumped in a car immediately and left. I believe it was an unfair assumption for cops to raid, and therefore not 3.4

HOWEVER, that being said, I do apologise for shooting him in front of cops when I could have waited for him to be released from jail and given a better opportunity. While I believe what I did wasnt 3.4, I believe it did increase the risk to myself, seeing as if id have waited, I could have done it without attracting a warrant. I took the shot, because I feared I wouldnt get another opportunity.

Additional Comment(s):
You're disputing the ban, yet you died which is what 3.4 is about.

Also you shot me for no reason since the police were dealing with me which meant you had no reason to shoot me infront of them; If you would've shot me after my jail time I guess that would be fine in my eyes but this is just... I don't know silly?
"No cops had seen me on the roof, and I was a fairish distance away" I am the one that saw you on the balcony crouching with the sniper or what ever gun you had even before you killed the guy, I gave them the call that there is a sniper at subs 2 balcony and right after you just killed the guy. cops can confirm, so this line is not true :) I was a cop btw
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Ah, so thats why cops raided. Well, I was under the assumption that I hadnt been seen on the roof, if you look at my POV I think its a fair assumption to make.
You're challenging whether the raid was valid, not whether the ban was valid. You seem to understand why you were banned -


I'll also clarify exactly why your actions were a breach of 3.4.
- You shot a cuffed suspect at a reasonably close distance in front of multiple officers, which almost guarantees a warrant to be placed on you, your weapon being fired was also heard very close by and anyone with a decent headset would be able to narrow it down to your house, it also seemed like you had no intention of fleeing after the assassination. As explained to you in both the sit we had and via steam, you should have waited either until the police were gone or later when the player was not in close proximity to the police so that police could not take action immediately, which would give you much better chances of escaping, not getting warranted, your freedom or in this case survival. I gave you an example of when this would be justified - when it has been made very clear to you that you are already warranted, and you kill the player at a larger distance and have a very good chance to escape, this situation satisfied none of the above and so deemed to be against rule 3.4.
I understand why you believe it was 3.4, however personally, from my POV at the time, it felt like it was safe, I had no reason to believe cops saw me and as I discussed with some senior members of PD, to raid with only a gunshot in the near vicinity would not be valid. I believed that all the evidence they had was a gunshot, as from my POV thats all thats seen.
I say again, this does not dispute putting your freedom, and therefore life at risk, this simply disputes whether the raid was valid or not. Your actions here guaranteed a warrant to be placed on you at the least and this could’ve easily been avoided had you been patient and waited for police to leave.
The amount of times you've killed me and gotten a warrant immediately due to it, yet youve never worried about it because youre in a group for example, I dont get how thats any different.
fyi im not trying to imply youve broken 3.4, im trying to say I havent, as I was under the assumption, from all the information around me that I was safe from cops.
Yeah we raided because you shot daymon in plain sight of other officers, they immediately called out your exact location as subs 2, sniper wearing red.
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