Ban lengths

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Free the homies, db needed the guap to feed his family
Also didnt other people recently get 3 months or so for this
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Harassed to death? Okay you brought me into this so I gotta respond. If someone breaks the law they get punished simple as. I don’t target jay. I mean sure I dislike him but that does not mean I go out of my way to target or harass him. Jay in this situtation escalated it stupidly. Originally I was on scene observing the situtation. As an officer it puts me really off ease talking to someone while they have a gun in passive and I simply asked him to put it on his back. He refused multiable times however I didn’t ticket him for it since I didn’t believe it was worth the effort.

However then as I’m leaving I hear him say something extremely racist. In regards to racist things in game I treat everyone fairly and give a ticket for 10.1. Jay in this situtation refused the ticket, pointed his shotgun at me. All over a small 1k ticket.

after a bit of back and fourth jay accepted the ticket. I then had a little mess about with Double J though the door and jay proceeds for whatever reason to shoot me with his shotgun though the door completely unprovoked. I understand jay has issues understanding certain situtations however it gets to a point where at some point he has to learn (and he may never) but still he’s gotten more chances and more leeway than most players.

This sounds shit And I’m probably gonna get a lot of flack for this post however I want it to be made VERY clear that I do not go out of my way to harass certain players. I don’t give a shit who you are. If you break the law, park illegally expect to get punished.

also please actually know the true story behind things before jumping on the band wagon
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sorry, i didn't intend to slander you or badmouth you or anything. It was more or less an example of how the situation wasn't just created in thin air. Not hopping on band wagons, but you are known for staying near properties being a little baity. not saying that's a bad thing, i think its usually pretty funny.

I was more or less using you as an example here, sorry if it was misunderstood as making you look bad. that wasnt my intention.
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Nah it’s Gucci. I’m a little bit raid hungry at times however this situtation was I was simply observing the officers dealing with the situtation. Since the apartment had a lot of folks. But just wanna make it clear that I don’t target anyone. Also if your going to post ban histories and use jay as an example please have a look at his history. In all honesty jay at times can be okay but this is a very rare occurrence. I can see he is trying however maybe he needs more help than we are providing. I dunno. But it’s 3:30 am. Maybe it’s the tiredness talking
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@exrobite maybe not the best place to bring that up. It’s been discussed many times afaik. It’s a difficult situtation.
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United Kingdom
@codabro First off it just doesn't what the fuck does 'out of gamed' even mean I understand know that ur on about selling perp cash but I had to hack at my memory to remember their reasons for being banned. What you have to understand is that Kenty and Tinky were between each other we don't understand the severity of this situation this could go further than just Jaime and DB and the fact they are both banned for a year means its most likely more people on the way you can't just assume that's all it is.


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Looking the other way when people break rules is not an option, their offence is very serious considering the amount of money that was bought. Letting things like this happen will result in pay to win, it’s important to show that this behaviour is not okay.


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So, the main reason i will be talking about this today is to get the opinion of the rest of the server, I had decided to do this because of the recent bans by @DB 0.2 and @Jack Bushross I feel that 1 year is extremely excessive for a game, what hard did they really do? just didnt have to grind as long, it got me thinking about ban lengths in general, i think that there should be a max ban length of, 6 months? 3 months? i don't know, but i think that amount of time will really give people a chance to look back on what they did.

Why should it be shortened?

When players come back after a very lengthy ban, E.G 6 months, A year perp isn't the same, it drives them off making them not wan't to play killing the playerbase, lets face it a lot of the active community members are now banned, for long ass times (omegalolis being a big factor) What do you guys think of this?

I personally think that long bans other than Permanent is dumb. One of three things will happen when you ban someone for more than 6 months
1) They will spam appeals saying how sorry they are. This will either result in a shorter ban or will result in them getting tired, and they will probably lose the interest they had for perp.

2) They will leave the community, get a life... etc.When they get unbanned they might join, but then leave within a few days.

3) They will wait for the ban to expire and start playing again. And will most likely do the same thing in the future.

The number 1 rule that should be followed when banning someone for selling/buying money/items with real money is to take the exact amount they sold/bought and burn it in front of them. And if they spent the money on cars, then you force them to sell cars. This will actually make them lose stuff, and forcing them to watch is very important so they see what they lost!

To end, I think that bans over 3 months should be really rare, if a longer ban is needed then surely there are other ways to punish the player. Banning a player should always be a hard decision to make, as the server loses 1 player for the length of the ban. I personally think that we should move towards a system where we remove items, cars etc... I think this would work better than bans.