Ban Rape Roleplay

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: Addition to 2.8
Your version of the rule: Erotic roleplay rules:
  • Anyone who does not want to ERP must not be erp'ed with.

  • Forced ERP confrontations are only to be carried out if all parties OOCly consent to it, if there is no OOC consent, the situation doesn’t happen - end of story. If there is consent and if at any time any of the parties want to stop you must stop.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: People could have been raped in real life and also why do you want to seuxal roleplay?
People could have family members killed in real life, also gambling addiction and victim of scams. In addition to the racism that's currently on perpheads, i think we should shut down perpheads to prevent these people getting hurt.
Look, Finlay,
I know it's an absolutely disgusting thing, but as @Garret_Pp said, this isn't a safespace. Rape happens. Deal with it.
And anyway, with your "People could have been raped in real life and also why do you want to seuxal roleplay?"
That could happen, but it WONT.
You should've just listened to us in the teamspeak when you asked us if it was a good idea. We told you already, this is a bad idea, you shouldn't have posted it. What was the point of asking us if you're going to post it anyway?
Thats the same as saying "Lets ban killing players because people die because of guns and the players you're killing might have relatives that died." Meanwhile there are problems like tonnes of Racism going on ingame. Don't get me wrong, rape is horrible and disgusting that such a thing could happen, but there are more important things that need to be dealt with in the community like @Slayerduck just said.
You're all up for a murder, where you are actually taking a life and you sell lots of life ruining drugs to make a profit but when rape comes up you dont want to get involved? Its just a game, people get murdered IRL also but you dont see that getting banned. Really no one will consent to being raped if they have a choice, this is a serious RP server deal with it.
"I don't like this, so I want it removed from the server" This is a roleplay server, I'm sure there have been a few people (COUGH COUGH @Chopper) who have witnessed murders in real life and can find it traumatizing, but you don't see them going out and making a rule to ban killing people. This server basically simulates a city full of criminals & spastics, (There's a few good ones, but y'know) so I think rape should stay, it's not even too common to begin with. Not to mention if rape is banned then the sexual assault law is therefore useless.

If you're sensitive to rape you shouldn't play on the server, hell; if you're sensitive to anything you shouldn't be on the server. If you really don't want to get raped but you want to play the server but it ends up happening, then just DC (Not saying you won't face punishment), I'm sure if you really care about your trauma/fears you will stay away to begin with.
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