Ban Request - 3 people

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Your Steam/In-game Name: dooche/Dimitri
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Steve Jhonson -- Aaron Bloodgolf -- Todd Alquis
His/Her SteamID: none available (read below for description)
Reason: Hard FailRP, stalling RP for a long time, insults/wrong warns, killing infront of an NPC / having a shootout - not including the NPC and lying to an admin

-> Tick 50000 when it all started
In first place we wanted to mug someone who was going for a piss on the toilet. Gagged and tied him. Some minutes later somebody joined, hes been gagged and tied up too. Aaron Bloodgolf kept talking, CONSTANTLY, while beeing GAGGED. He stalled RP the whole situation until we died as u can see in the demo. The other guy Todd Alquis kept talking and moving around too. Afterwards, when Steve Jhonson killed my friend (yes, Steve just pulled out a shotgun infront of that NPC and shot off, killed my friend and attempted to kill me), Todd Alquis (the guy that was still tied up) jumps to my friends weapon and kills me.

The 2 admins involved who should take a look at this was Tanges - yesterday and MORETANKING - today. Tanges said hes gonna search me the SteamIDs if i upload a ban request and MORETANKING gotta view the demo about Nikolais warning thats the reason he was banned now.

-- This would have never happened if these 2 ppl wouldnt have stalled the rp 10000 ticks long.

Side note: I dont know why i lag so hard watching demos, only seeing errors and players invisible. Also cant see any weapons, any help?

Thanks for ur time,
best greetings Dimitri
Tanges placed a warning on me instead of the other guy he was swearing in OOC all the time but no i get the warning because i said stuff back he kept insulting me and nobody gave a damn Steve talked and talked and said he wont provide a demo because he know that he is wrong and hiding it and claims he deleted it.
+/-Support I don't think this is an valid ban request, (I don't really know both yes and no)
hugoaron;n23662 said:
+/-Support I don't think this is an valid ban request, (I don't really know both yes and no)

That reply really was pointless and senseless. What do u actually mean its invalid? Lol
Steve Jhonson (Kcaza) seems to do this shit a lot to players as well to me, I did report him to Ind for this as well send a demo because Ind asked me to, but I haven't heard back from him yet. He also is known to stall RP and argue for ages even when he knows he was in the wrong, or at least I can't imagine him not realizing what he's doing is wrong and rule breaking. He is fail-rping in general, gets plenty of warnings but never gets actually banned for it because well, I guess he is an active member of the community. But, a line needs to be drawn and I think it's time for him to start facing the consequences rather than receiving warnings only constantly.
Exactly! Thanks for your response. As obvious in the demo, you can see him talking like a waterfall searching for excuses and lying to Tanges. And as mentioned, when it came to the point to post demos he denied that. 'For some reason i deleted my demos'; or "Sadly i couldnt record a demo"
But well you are so right, he wont see or atleast admit his mistakes and always searches a way out.
Dimitri You need to download the content pack to be able to not get errors and see players in demos
Thanks man! So is it just me then who can see these errors or does it effect the demo in general? Like other players see these errors too.

And Tanges / MORETANKING, did u take a look at this yet? Dont wanna push you though.

Best greets
Aaron Bloodgolf - Warning + A very short ban - 2-3 days, spoke when gagged, very minor failrp, but he should be warned for the matter, rather than to be banned straight off the bat. While with the stalling could easily be conjoined with a meta aspect as he could just be stalling to wait for Steve to come in with a weapon to kill Dimitri.
Todd Alquis - Warning + - Very clear failRP at this point, and resulted in someone making a loss through the breaking of a rule, I'd say a ban of roughly, 2-3 days.
Steve Jhonson Ban - 1-2 Weeks - He constantly breaks rules, and recieves little to no disipline from many of the staff, this should resort to a rather medium lengthed ban for example a week, for a start, there could also be some meta involved as the people could be friends and they might use some form of third party communication such as a Skype call, or a personal Teamspeak server.
LEWIS 088 said:
Dimitri You need to download the content pack to be able to not get errors and see players in demos
I got the content pack and i still see only errors in my demos
I'm having issues viewing this demo unfortunately. I'll ask another admin to take a look.
Thanks so much for your confirms and so supporting this. Im real glad about that since im still upset about their - i consider it hard - Fail roleplay. And of course this ruins the gaming experience too, also causing alot of trouble and so much waste of time. And im sorry about the demo, i dont know if the demo is in general bugged because i didnt have the content pack, or just people with issues see errors and stuff and others might view it. Really unsure about. --- Download it from the link. When finished, just pull that demo into your "demos" folder in the garrysmod directory. Make sure you check out - so you atleast get to see where you find your demos
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