Under law 11.9 paragraph 2, "Force may only be used if the suspect(s) is at risk of escaping, is posing a direct threat to other person(s) and/or is believed to be intent on harming any other such person(s)"
As displayed in the video, your driving was consider reckless, 'drifting' out of a junction, where you could not possibly know if someone was coming from one direction or the other (due to how that junction is designed), and then proceeded to, further down the road, make an illegal u-turn. In either of these situations, you may have been capable of harming any person that could've been near you, and you were at the risk of escaping.
However, as seen in the video, the combined speed of the two vehicles would most likely exceed 60 MPH or 100 KMH, which will result in a head on collision where both cars and drivers will sustain heavy damage, and possibly even lose their lives. Here you'll see just about how that'd look:
(Skip to 1:10)
(Skip to 1:29)
So fact is, Ayjay did indeed risk his own life during that crash. Almost no matter the current circumstances, the 'maneuver' displayed by Ayjay should never be used. Rather than stopping a criminal, it does no more than risk more lives, including your own. Instead, try utilizing the fast speeds of the Police Crusiers, and perform a PIT maneuver when available, or set up spikes further down the road.
And I say this to those that -support this because Ayjay had the right reasons: Please, watch the videos, see what happens.