Ban Request - Leyer32

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Pvt. Henk N1@New PC!/Davy Joneson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Leyer32/(need to find out)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:48470623

Reason: We shot him. Because we where about to raid Glass Co. We had information about one of our org members getting taken as hostage. So we brought guns and went to them. You could say that "Leyer32" was at the wrong place at the wrong time. But he asked us why we killed him, we explained and than got killed by the "Family". We got killed because I was done with that piece of role play right there. He messed up for us big time. Cause how in the name of "God". Could we get out of there without being shot. He made us sitting ducks. He probably think this was funny to do as an admin.

Go to around "70000" tick. There I got called and we where setting up. Since Leyer his concerns the way he handled... I'm not even saying anything about it. Please watch the demo. He even asked me to just do a report. Like why even bother...
This wouldn't happen if you didn't break the rules in the first place, pretty much your own fualt. Also like 4 guys was already behind you when you shoot me so they were already there when it became an admin sit. How did I make you "sitting ducks"?
You killed an unarmed person because he was near the place you were raiding, he had every right to speak to you in an admin sit. The people you were raiding also came out after the actual admin sit, nothing to do with Leyer.

Ban request Denied.
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