[Ban Request+Refund Request]Riekelt

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Your Steam/In-game Name:BelgLmfao / Tyrese Jamallkins

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Riekelt / Michelle Bowman

His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:39003753

Reason: I was raiding suburbs 6 when this Lt came up to the door, thus tresspassing for no reason. He kept bugging and trying to step into the house and kept caming up to the door I said to stop tresspassing the property without a warrant so he thought it would be nice to randomly warrant it to enter it. He also called for backup for no apparent reason since I was unarmed and didn't act agressive to him. He then said he warranted for ' suspicion of meth cooking' In my opinion he just metagame the drugs through the walls (2 pots visible through the walls).
If possible, I'd like a refund for the 2 big coca plants and steve cockerel's full desert eagle.

Tick: +/- 10000
I decided to investigate after hearing fire, i ran the house in the computer to find out the owner, after finding out who owned the house, i asked for your ID, which you never gave to me, making you very suspicious.
Next, your friend comes in, opens the door, and i can clearly see a weed plant.

You refuse access, so i warrant the house for the obvious meth cooking, and weed.
Your "friend" drives up, starts unloading bullets into me, after which i pull out my gun, shoot him, and proceed to keep you two at gunpoint, after that your friend proceeds to pull a gun out on me, shoot me, even though he was on gunpoint, and totally ignored that.

The next thing you do is go shouting in LOOC: "Fail RP wow", and start a complete drama fest in OOC.
All right, let's start off with the fact that you broke rule 3.25.
3.25 Drug Harvesting - Players may not harvest drugs while being raided or when they suspect they are about to get raided
if they don’t have a significant chance to escape the situation (For example if you know you can escape feel free to do so
with the drugs, although you will have to drop what you harvested when captured by the raiders) This also applies for police
raiding, you may not run into a building to collect the drugs unless you know it is safe to do so. Police may also not run to
collect drugs/weapons until criminals have been detained (Handcuffed).

The lieutenant did have a reason to warrant the place as you were acting very suspicious by not allowing him to walk on your property. (law 11.5) Although "suspicion of meth cooking" wasn't really a justifiable reason to warrant the property. A better reason would have been for "suspicious behaviour and a fire". He also had a valid reason to call for backup as you were acting suspiciously as said. Your friend who opened fire on the cops at your door didn't really help the situation either for you. It only increased the suspicion of them that illegal activity was going on in the building.

I do think that Riekelt should have improved his reason to warrant, but he still had enough reason to warrant the place.

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