Ban Request Z3R0DayZ

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] JarredInator [ST] / Jarred Donerino
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Z3R0DayZ / Allesandro Goti
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:86648108
Reason: Trying to help the officer by blocking me with the mayor's limosine multiple times. Lying about it. Making exuces about it. Breaking 1.1.
So i was getting chased by about 5 police cars. I didn't have anywhere to go so i was trying to keep them busy. After a while when i was returning to city from business area. As in tick 54.000 you can see him clearly trying to block me off multiple times. As were futher processing into the chase i was looking for a location where i could hide. But i couldn't. At tick 56.580 the guy clearly tries to block me off again. At tick 60.000 i eventually got caught, tried to make a run for it but failed. As i see the guy driving past i tell lewis, he pulls him and then he starts lying that he didn't block me. Starts making exuses that he lost control (which he clearly didn't). Then he starts breaking 1.1 : Go crying on the forum. Kid. And yeah. Thats basicly the story.
Tick: 54.000 - 56.580 - 60.000
I would just like to quickly say that I did already warn the user for breaking 1.1

The user will recieve another warning and his blacklist from SS will be increased.

// With permission from Mannerwaffel this Ban request has been accepted.
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