Bank Robbery Overhaul | The Suggestion

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Zagreb, Croatia
Discussion Post.
Main idea: Re-work the bank robbery system, so it brings people more money and isn't as buggy
Description: As many of you know, you can make more money by being roadcrew for 15 minutes, compared to robbing the bank. People don't rob it for the money, they do it for fun. If you even start it, the bank bugs out more times than it should, giving you nothing what so ever. So this is my idea:
You go up to the manager of the bank and make him open the vault (pretty straight forward):
You run inside the vault and instead of just staying there, you are greated with a cash pile, it contains 50%-70% of the City Funds. The percentage will vary depending on the ammount of officers online (more officers, more money). There, you must survive 3-5 minutes.
After the player survives the time period stated above, the ammount of money drops in the form of standard money (similar to the cash the user can spawn in by himself along with the correct model for the ammount of money dropped)
The player picks the cash up and it's theirs to keep, but if the cops down the person who has the money, he drops it and only people with a bank robbery warrant may pick the cash up (to prevent minge grabbing sweaters taking the cash) and cops as a form of confiscating the money, after which every officer is awarded 1k and the stolen funds return to the vault money pile.
  1. Better, fun and rewarding robbery system
  2. Less buggy
Cons: Could be difficult to implement

Inspired by @mage 's idea to buff the money from robberies.

*excuse my errors that I keep getting from the neurotanks addon :d @Fredy @StephenPuffs @Xquality
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Also, How about inside the bank, the main lights turn off and red security lights turn on? You know, to add a more intense, cinematic atmosphere to the bank robbery?

And maybe when you grab the cash from the drawers, some drawers be rigged with a dye pack or something that blocks your view for a few seconds? Just a few ideas.
I love this idea, but just two points I want to get out there!

I am just wondering, how do you see the money and aftermath develop? Furthermore, I'd always have some savings in the bank. Just like a normal bank would. If the city funds are at $3000, any decent bank (except Italians) will have savings. So, one could say there is always a minimum of $10.000 present and the amount that can be stolen is dependent on the % coppers. With specified gaps of 30 minutes, to make sure everything settles down??

I think this can go either two ways. The first is that the money is added to the cash-balance the player has on it, second is a sort of briefcase the robbers have to protect and store somewhere safe?

Situation 1.
So, the robbers get the money if I understand your suggestion correctly, but it must be in some sort of briefcase? Because, otherwise all bankrobbers should empty all the cash on them and that can be more than they stole from the bank. On the other hand, one could say its the risk of the profession. Don't steal the bank or you lose all the money you brought (bring it to the ATM first?!).

Second, how can you prevent those who got the money to rush to the nearest ATM? I also think that smart players can misuse this situation very easily!

Situation 2.
I really like your idea. Especially preventing sweaters taking the briefcase.
The only question is, how will you make the briefcase turn into actual cash which a player can pickup and bring to an ATM? Because, now they would need either a big enough trunk in their cars to bring it around (I'd imagine that you'll see someone with a briefcase actually holding that briefcase?).

How can the briefcase turn into money? Over time? Do they need some sort of equipment? How do you see this?

Let me know how you guys feel about these points to make it happen in the near future! :)
Looking forward to your constructive replies!
Here's my idea's:

- One person holds a duffel bag.
- The one with the bag is the one who holds the winnings
- The robbers must put as much money as they can into the bag
- If the bag carrier has been killed, another bank robber must claim it before police do. Police can only pick up the bag and return it once the robbery has finished and all suspects have been killed/KO'd, restrained or fled without the bank's loot.
- The police must end the robbery and claim the bag and return it to the bank NPC, successfully returning the stolen funds to the economy and giving the Police, EMS and fire dept. a reward of 2k-5k for successfully defending the cities economy.
- If the thieves win, the bag carrier can drop the bag and everyone who partook and survived the robbery can press E on it to claim there winnings, which are evenly distributed amongst the survivors.

Atmospheric Idea's to add more Realism:

-Red / Ultraviolet security lights engage once the robbery has commenced.
-Security fog / smoke system (Similar to This, But not as blinding, possibly just to affect long distance vision?) [CON: Could cause lag]
- The bank Manager NPC can identify the suspect that threatened him and initiated the robbery when asked by police after the robbery, in case he is able to escape with or without the loot.

These improvements would add a more realistic atmosphere, and whilst in an RP context it would work to the police's advantage, in a gameplay context, this would add a more challenging and thrilling experience to both robbers and police.
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