Battalion Chief/Whole Ranking system

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Topic: Adding ranks to the firefighter job

Short explanation (in notes):
- Adds Battalion Chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain Lieutenants and Firefighter.
- Adds a Battalion Chief Car
- Increase the pay (MAYBE)

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think this should be added no only because the PLPD have a ranking system but It will also make the job a lot more funner and interesting I don't know about you but I would love to see 2 engine and the Battalion Chief roll up on a call. It can get boring being a lonely firefighter and there is no command structure. In addition It would be even better to see all the bays filled at the Fire Department and all rolling out together and with the engines manned so not 1 person but 2/4. I don't know about you but I really enjoy the fire service and I would like to see it improved also I WILL play it a lot more if this was implemented. I also have a vast knowledge on the fire service I do fire cadets and I watch a lot of show to do with firefighting.

Optional additions:
- Add squad and a ladder truck
- You have to have to be trained to use the ladder and squad.

P.S. Sorry if there is any bad spelling in this and if you need any help setting this up if you gets passed I'm hear to help.
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