Bean Can for his late night problem solving

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London, United Kingdom
At around 5:30 we had massive issues with a disruptive police force pointing guns at everyone and trying to raid people without any reason at all. I usually don't like making these threads because I feel like sometimes it looks like blatant arselicking but whatever. Besides the point, Bean was straight onto the scene. He divided the opinions and got us to come to a conclusion. He put the officers in order and assured us on how we should act in the situation at hand. He was able to handle 6 people talking over each other much better than I ever could. I was very happy with the conclusion. With the limited amount of power he had he came to a solution quick and fast. After the situation was dealt with, everything was smooth from there on out.

I couldn't agree more, ever since Bean Can got enforcer he has been helping soo much. I never though he would be such a good enforcer.

I wonder who actually shot :D
Absolutely agree with every point made. Last night Bean Can was greeted with some users at the farm who kept killing him when he attempted to engage in an administrative situation. Where he could have simply yelled at them and gone off, he kept a very cool head and had me drive him back to the scene so he could attempt once more where he managed the situation with ease and professionalism. Bean Can is always available and always going above and beyond. Could not agree more that Bean Can is one of the most successful and outstanding administrative members that we have ever had. Keep it up, Bean Can :)!